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The Singles Collection Vol. 2

The Singles Collection Vol. 2
1.Tell Me
2. Ready! Set! Go!
3. Just Get WILD
4. Love Don't Cry
5. So Hot
6. Simple & Lovely
7. Daydreams
8. All I Want
10. After Love
11. Shake It!
12. Aishiteru (I Love You)

Tell Me
I want to know what you know
what do I look
like a spy
we are supposed to be
in love so where
is our trust
it doesn't take a scientist
to prove something is
on your pretty little mind
baby say it
just come right out
with it
I'm going crazy-zy-zy
Tell Me e e
whisper it to me
write it down on a note
is it a secret-et-et
I won't tell-ell-ell
let's cut the small talk
I want to help you
through your dilemma
baby Tell Me
(End Chorus)
I'm waiting for this moment tonight
I'm sorry to be
so intrusive
but your being so
dang elusive
what's the story
Tell Me I'm sorry
I won't tell a soul
helping you is my goal
baby say it
just come right out
with it
I'm going crazy-zy-zy
Tell Me e e
whisper it to me
write it down on a note
is it a secret-et-et
I won't tell-ell-ell
let's cut the small talk
I want to help you
through your dilemma
baby Tell Me
(End Chorus)
Tell Me Tell Me
T-T-T-T-Tell Me
Tell Me Tell Me
T-T-T-T-Tell Me
Tell Me Tell Me
T-T-T-T-Tell Me
baby say it
just come right out
with it
I'm going crazy-zy-zy
Tell Me e e
whisper it to me
write it down on a note
is it a secret-et-et
I won't tell-ell-ell
let's cut the small talk
I want to help you
through your dilemma
baby Tell Me
(End Chorus)

Ready! Set! Go!
1 to the 2 3 get down low
Ready! Set! Go!
Ready! Set! Go!
1 to the 2 3 get down low
Ready! Set! Go!
Ready! Set! Go!
1 to the 2 3 get down low
Ready! Set! Go!
Ready! Set! Go!
take off get
it done real fast like
jump on that rocket
it'll take you for
a ride through the stars
3 2 1 blast off!!
I'm going to bear
everyone to the end
I might have been
slow at the start
but what about the
tortoise and the hare
listen for the
starting gun
Ready! Set! Go!
(End Chorus)
I'll speed by you
you'll be eating my dust
sometimes I can run
fast at other times
I can't run at all
I'll just keep going and going
nothing will get in my way
a mountain no problem
a river I'm thirsty anyway
take off get
it done real fast like
jump on that rocket
it'll take you for
a ride through the stars
3 2 1 blast off!!
I'm going to bear
everyone to the end
I might have been
slow at the start
but what about the
tortoise and the hare
listen for the
starting gun
Ready! Set! Go!
(End Chorus)
Konichiwa sayonara
that is how quick a
greeting will be
as I pass you
coming up on you left
here I am at your right
your heads will be
spinning topsy turvy
watch out guys and gals
I'll pass you up
take off get
it done real fast like
jump on that rocket
it'll take you for
a ride through the stars
3 2 1 blast off!!
I'm going to bear
everyone to the end
I might have been
slow at the start
but what about the
tortoise and the hare
listen for the
starting gun
Ready! Set! Go!
(End Chorus)

Just Get WILD
do it like I
like I like I do
dance all night
party all day
reach your inner animal
let it all go
it's okay it's alright
we can smell fear
don't be afraid
deep under ground
the music never stops
flashing lights brighten
up the heart
overjoyed ecstatic heart-stopping
party don't stop so
Just Get WILD
(End Chorus)
keep it... going
who cares when the
dawn light of
Monday morning breaks
it's night everyday
down here
a super party
a rave
with rage
heartbeat step
to the DJ's beat
dance all night
party all day
reach your inner animal
let it all go
it's okay it's alright
we can smell fear
don't be afraid
deep under ground
the music never stops
flashing lights brighten
up the heart
overjoyed ecstatic heart-stopping
party don't stop so
Just Get WILD
(End Chorus)
release yourself
from that prison you
call a mind
living without fear
is the new deal
trends come and
go but this is forever
once you go you
won't want to leave
this is harmless fun
lose yourself in it
dance all night
party all day
reach your inner animal
let it all go
it's okay it's alright
we can smell fear
don't be afraid
deep under ground
the music never stops
flashing lights brighten
up the heart
overjoyed ecstatic heart-stopping
party don't stop so
Just Get WILD
(End Chorus)
no drugs just hugs
some drinks broke brinks
I'm here to dance
this beats a club
there are no rules here
no one cares who you are
be anyone you want to be
Just Get WILD
dance all night
party all day
reach your inner animal
let it all go
it's okay it's alright
we can smell fear
don't be afraid
deep under ground
the music never stops
flashing lights brighten
up the heart
overjoyed ecstatic heart-stopping
party don't stop so
Just Get WILD
(End Chorus)

Love Don't Cry
If I ever see you again
things will be different
no more tears
no more lies
we had a bad break-up
yeah it was a war
with all that said
and done I've moved
on and I'm a better person
Love Don't Cry
no there is no more pain
all I can do is gain
I'm happy to give a hello
to goodbye goodbye
why oh why should
I continue to suffer
when you've had enough
fine by me babe
I don't cry
Love Don't Cry
I'm a big boy
and  I'm alright
goodbye love
hello new
I'm a big boy
and I'm alright
(End Chorus)
I would have spent
my last quarter on you
now I'd rather
put it in the bank
we were just one big mess
from the get go
sleepless nights and
frustration finally
caught up to us
oh well my insomnia
has disappeared for now
Love Don't Cry
no there is no more pain
all I can do is gain
I'm happy to give a hello
to goodbye goodbye
why oh why should
I continue to suffer
when you've had enough
fine by me babe
I don't cry
Love Don't Cry
I'm a big boy
and I'm alright
goodbye love
hello new
I'm a big boy
and I'm alright
(End Chorus)
if we bump into
each other let's be not know the other
no eye contact
momma always said
never talk to strangers
let's follow her advice
let's be friends
yeah right
let's be awkward
I'm not asking for anything
Love Don't Cry
no there is no more pain
all I can do is gain
I'm happy to give a hello
to goodbye goodbye
why oh why should
I continue to suffer
when you've had enough
fine by me babe
I don't cry
Love Don't Cry
I'm a big boy
and I'm alright
goodbye love
hello new
I'm a big boy
and I'm alright
(End Chorus)

So Hot
So so
so so
so so hot hot
head turning
sunglass dropping
body locking
I can't walk down
the street without
people looking
So Hot
so hot hot
so so hot hot
eye popping
very satisfying
people watching
I'm not a celeb
but I know how
to attract the paparazzi
So Hot
so hot hot
so so hot hot
(End Chorus)
who wants me
to grace the cover of
a popular magazine
sorry but I'm not
a model no no
autographs!? but I'm
not famous at all
this is flattering
but really it's just God's gift
head turning
sunglass dropping
body locking
I can't walk down
the street without
people looking
So Hot
so hot hot
so so hot hot
eye popping
very satisfying
people watching
I'm not a celeb
but I know how
to attract the paparazzi
So Hot
so hot hot
so so hot hot
(End Chorus)
burn I'm just that hot
keep the fire department
on speed dial
I might set you ablaze
I just can't
help it and I'm
not that sorry about it
I'm just so dang
hot and your all just jealous
head turning
sunglass dropping
body locking
I can't walk down
the street without
people looking
So Hot
so hot hot
so so hot hot
eye popping
very satisfying
people watching
I'm not a celeb
but I know how
to attract the paparazzi
So Hot
so hot hot
so so hot hot
(End Chorus)
hot hot
hot hot
hot hot
head turning
sunglass dropping
body locking
I can't walk down
the street without
people looking
So Hot
so hot hot
so so hot hot
eye popping
very satisfying
people watching
I'm not a celeb
but I know how
to attract the paparazzi
So Hot
so hot hot
so so hot hot
(End Chorus)

Simple & Lovely
wha wha wha
wha ha ha ha wah wha
light tan clothes
and white tea cups
on a coffee table
in an egg white room
all I need is you
and not the sports  car
convertible parked percariously
in the garage
all we need is love
to survive baby
so Simple & Lovely
basic and loving it
holding hands and
I nice yellow-orange sunset
butterflies fly
heatbeats increase
so Simple & Lovely
now lets go home
(End Chorus)
dance under the moonligt
girl your smile is bright
let's just run
catch me if you can
it's a one way maze
when the sun goes down
we will hold each
other even closer
you are close to my heart
so Simple & Lovely
basic and loving it
holding hands and
I nice yellow-orange sunset
butterflies fly
heatbeats increase
so Simple & Lovely
now lets go home
so Simple & Lovely
basic and loving it
holding hands and
I nice yellow-orange sunset
butterflies fly
heatbeats increase
so Simple & Lovely
now lets go home
(End Chorus)
Old Navy t-shirts
being alone hurts
the distance makes us stronger
even if it's just for
a few small minutes
I miss you
I like having you in my view
it makes me happy
so Simple & Lovely
basic and loving it
holding hands and
I nice yellow-orange sunset
butterflies fly
heatbeats increase
so Simple & Lovely
now lets go home
so Simple & Lovely
basic and loving it
holding hands and
I nice yellow-orange sunset
butterflies fly
heatbeats increase
so Simple & Lovely
now lets go home
(End Chorus)

how could I get
through the day
(Music Break)
dreaming with your
eyes wide open
yes what a feeling
I love every minute
fantasy in reality
come on now baby
carry me away
I need to escape
the harshness of the real world
come on now
people daydream with me
(Music Break)
(End Chorus)
how to bend reality
(Music Break)
just close your mind
and open your heart
let your deepest desires
take a part
we all have big dreams
come on now baby
carry me away
I need to escape
the harshness of the real world
come on now
people daydream with me
(Music Break)
(End Chorus)
dream with me
(Music Break)
with out even sleeping
have something that is real
come on now baby
carry me away
I need to escape
the harshness of the real world
come on now
people daydream with me
(Music Break)
(End Chorus)

All I Want
everything everything
All I Want
that's All I Want
not to sound selfish
but everything should
belong to me
what do I want
I want everything
that is All I Want
(Music Break)
All I Want
(End Chorus)
I don't want to
sound like a snotty
rich kid but yeah
it's true everything
in this world should be
mine that is
All I Want
that is All I Want
what do I want
I want everything
that is All I Want
(Music Break)
All I Want
(End Chorus)
I don't want it
to be a fantasy
I'll make it
a reality
I want to touch it
all and live it up
all this is mine
and that is All I Want
what do I want
I want everything
that is All I Want
(Music Break)
All I Want
what do I want
I want everything
that is All I Want
(Music Break)
All I Want
(End Chorus)

show me your colors
paint on my blank canvas
(Music Break)
hey... hey... hey...
I've never been one
with an imagination
I'm slightly robotic
the colors outside bore
me to death
but you...
you burst with creativity
show me the way
to change for the better
to the be the best me
and make me be able to see
that the world is beautiful
to love others
to give me life
so I can help end strife
so the world can stay wonderful
what inspires me the most
is that the tip of your
brush isn't thirsty yet
(End Chorus)
make the black and white
fade into nothingness
(Music Break)
if I keep seeing gray
I'll be dull forever
but you are bright and
vibrant, draw some
of it onto me please
give me a dramatic change
I want to see it
the beauty of it all
to change for the better
to the be the best me
and make me be able to see
that the world is beautiful
to love others
to give me life
so I can help end strife
so the world can stay wonderful
what inspires me the most
is that the tip of your
brush isn't thirsty yet
(End Chorus)
make it shine
light up the world
(Music Break)
woah woah yeah yeah
woah woah yeah yeah
woah woah yeah yeah
help me believe it
to change for the better
to the be the best me
and make me be able to see
that the world is beautiful
to love others
to give me life
so I can help end strife
so the world can stay wonderful
what inspires me the most
is that the tip of your
brush isn't thirsty yet
(End Chorus)

After Love
everytime I follow
you get the wrong idea
like I say "don't say you
don't want it, I know you do"
everyone's paths cross
sooner or later
no matter how unfortuante it is
don't say I didn't warn you
but life goes on and on
flowers still bloom
and wilt and die
people will love
people will hate
I thought we were different
people will be right
people will be wrong
but life goes on with
winners and losers
why can't we still
be friends is it too painful
your just going to bury it here
does passion mean anything
but I guess nothing matters
in the After Love
(End Chorus)
it's not like I
still call your phone
I gave up ages ago
you never picked up
so I took my heart off hold
I'm no longer sad
I've come to accept that
things happen but they
happen for a reason
can you hear me now?
but life goes on and on
flowers still bloom
and wilt and die
people will love
people will hate
I thought we were different
people will be right
people will be wrong
but life goes on with
winners and losers
why can't we still
be friends is it too painful
your just going to bury it here
does passion mean anything
but I guess nothing matters
in the After Love
(End Chorus)
hours go by
so do weeks
months go by
and so do years
is the hurt still there?
where can we find the cure?
I wish for the day of peace
but life goes on and on
flowers still bloom
and wilt and die
people will love
people will hate
I thought we were different
people will be right
people will be wrong
but life goes on with
winners and losers
why can't we still
be friends is it too painful
your just going to bury it here
does passion mean anything
but I guess nothing matters
in the After Love
(End Chorus)

Shake It!
na na na na
move you body
na na na na
move your body
make it rock all night
tonight on the town
take me to the pad
let's get down
I want to be bad
whoa whoa yeah
c-c-call me up when
you need somebody
to get you up
rock that body
rock that body
let's do it nonstop
Shake It!
Shake It!
dance until you drop
we are just doing this for fun
zero commitment
so just Shake It! Shake It! Shake It!
don't stop
so just Shake It! Shake It! Shake It!
to the pop
(End Chorus)
na na na move your body
na na na move your body
tonight me and my 100 best friend dominate
yes yes we are super bad
no problems, wipe the slate
no no we aren't made
move to the floor
it's a party here we go
rock that body
rock that body
let's do it nonstop
Shake It!
Shake It!
dance until you drop
we are just doing this for fun
zero commitment
so just Shake It! Shake It! Shake It!
don't stop
so just Shake It! Shake It! Shake It!
to the pop
(End Chorus)
(a la la la and a na na na)
put your hands up together
dance like this forever
put your hands up together
dance like this forever
na na na na na na
rock that body
rock that body
let's do it nonstop
Shake It!
Shake It!
dance until you drop
we are just doing this for fun
zero commitment
so just Shake It! Shake It! Shake It!
don't stop
so just Shake It! Shake It! Shake It!
to the pop
(End Chorus)

Aishiteru (I Love You)
words cannot express
my feelings towards you
my heart aches when your gone
will you come back to relieve the pain?
my feelings are so strong
let me open up to you
I can say Aishiteru Aishiteru
all I want to you
but you'll never know how I feel
I can whisper Aishiteru Aishiteru
into your ear
but you'll never understand
I can yell Aishiteru Aishiteru
from the highest building
from the highest mountain
but you'll just never know
how much I Aishiteru
(End Chorus)
sayonara to the lost loves
you are the one
do you want to know my colors
the way I feel?
ai no kotoba koi no tsubomi
is what I want to show you
can you understand?
I can say Aishiteru Aishiteru
all I want to you
but you'll never know how I feel
I can whisper Aishiteru Aishiteru
into your ear
but you'll never understand
I can yell Aishiteru Aishiteru
from the highest building
from the highest mountain
but you'll just never know
how much I Aishiteru
(End Chorus)
we can dance
or I can sing with a guitar
I could smile at you forever
we could hold for an eien
but will you believe in my love?
I can say Aishiteru Aishiteru
all I want to you
but you'll never know how I feel
I can whisper Aishiteru Aishiteru
into your ear
but you'll never understand
I can yell Aishiteru Aishiteru
from the highest building
from the highest mountain
but you'll just never know
how much I Aishiteru
(End Chorus)

work that body
yeah work your body
oh girl tonight let's turn a page
start all over at a party
even though we met awhile ago
show me how you move
get into my groove
work that body
work your body
move that body
move your body
groove that body
groove your body
will you tell me how you like it
come on girl come on
(End Chorus)
jamming out to some R&B
what do you want me to see
I'll make you dance right
we can do it all night
straight to the stars
take it to the cars
we aren't done yet
help me make a bet
yeah let's go
work that body
work your body
move that body
move your body
groove that body
groove your body
will you tell me how you like it
come on girl come on
(End Chorus)
like this l-l-like this
like this l-l-like this
like this l-l-like this
work that body
work your body
move that body
move your body
groove that body
groove your body
will you tell me how you like it
come on girl come on
(End Chorus)


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