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Mirror: The Repackage Album

Mirror: The Repackage Album
2. It's All Love!
3. Yume no Uta
4. Summer Song
5. Futari de...
6. Gee
9. Sora (Sky)
10. Run For It
11. Kiseki
12. Genie
13. Cut Copy & Paste
14. Mirror
15. Oops!

Tokyo Seoul London New York
hop on in we're going for a drive tonight
a night on the town with our new style yeah
we can go for a ride
I got the green light
I'm so fast
make it quicky quicky quicky
always scared of speed and wrecks oops
hop in my sports car
make it quicky quicky quicky
light up my engine
I'm kinda in a hurry
supersonic and hypertonic
hop in the back
you take me anywhere
make it quicky quicky quicky
turn up the radio
you take me anywhere I want to go
(End Chorus)
we go faster than a shooting star
theres a sign now stop
and dream along an emerald coast now
I don't want to say goodbye
should we hold on tight while
we go for a bumpy ride
I'm so sure
make it quicky quicky quicky
always scared of speed and wrecks oops
hop in my sports car
make it quicky quicky quicky
light up my engine
I'm kinda in a hurry
supersonic and hypertonic
hop in the back
you take me anywhere
make it quicky quicky quicky
turn up the radio
you take me anywhere I want to go
(End Chorus)
123 here we go ow!
don't go off course (anywhere)
I'm just along for the ride (anywhere)
slow down let's make it last (anywhere)
I like going for drives (anywhere)
nevermind  how much it costs
I just like being with you
and I don't know why why
and I don't know why why
all I know is that I don't want to say goodbye
I don't want to say goodbye
make it quicky quicky quicky
always scared of speed and wrecks oops
hop in my sports car
make it quicky quicky quicky
light up my engine
I'm kinda in a hurry
supersonic and hypertonic
hop in the back
you take me anywhere
make it quicky quicky quicky
turn up the radio
you take me anywhere I want to go
(End Chorus)

It's All Love!
You ready? B to the l to the a to the n to the k Yeah its (blank)
T to the y to the l to the e to the r I'm Tyler We friends thats right we friends L to the o to the v to e We super friends Kay Y: thanks to that idiot I'll never love again M: don't say that without considering Y: who needs love M: we all do whoa whoa yeah Y: I think I can live without M: you shouldn't even try Y: do you think I don't need it to exist M: yeah I know you need it T: whoa whoa yeah yeah
M: Don't give up Y: I'm giving up M: not everyone is bad Y: no but most are M: you shouldn't think that way Y: I can't help it M: have you tried Y: he just gets on my nerves M: another guy won't though Y: but most will M: keep looking Y: I don't want to M: baby Y: don't make fun of me T: (It's All Love) whoa whoa yeah yeah M: search for your soulmate Y: I don't believe in that M: well start Y: no way M: your not done Y: well I'm throwing in the towel T: (It's All Love) It's All Love!
(End Chorus)
M: so you had one bad break-up Y: no I've had a lot M: of course you have Y: I've had enough M: there will be more Y: I don't want anymore M: stay strong Y: I'd rather be weak T: whoa whoa yeah yeah (I want you to tell the truth)
M: Don't give up Y: I'm giving up M: not everyone is bad Y: no but most are M: you shouldn't think that way Y: I can't help it M: have you tried Y: he just gets on my nerves M: another guy won't though Y: but most will M: keep looking Y: I don't want to M: baby Y: don't make fun of me T: (It's All Love) whoa whoa yeah yeah M: search for your soulmate Y: I don't believe in that M: well start Y: no way M: your not done Y: well I'm throwing in the towel T: (It's All Love) It's All Love!
(End Chorus)
Y: I hate love M: don't hate love Y: but I love you M: because I'm your friend Y: yes you are M: find that person Y: maybe I'll try T: I'll always be there to help you (Music Break) T: you ready? (Music Break) M: D*mn (Music Break) (It's All Love) Y: Can I love M: we all can Y: will I find someone M: yes if you look Y: I'm afraid M: baby Y: don't tease me T: (It's All Love) whoa whoa yeah yeah
M: Don't give up Y: I'm giving up M: not everyone is bad Y: no but most are M: you shouldn't think that way Y: I can't help it M: have you tried Y: he just gets on my nerves M: another guy won't though Y: but most will M: keep looking Y: I don't want to M: baby Y: don't make fun of me T: (It's All Love) whoa whoa yeah yeah M: search for your soulmate Y: I don't believe in that M: well start Y: no way M: your not done Y: well I'm throwing in the towel T: (It's All Love) It's All Love!
(End Chorus)
T: You got to keep it nice We got to keep it nice We are friends Kay come on come on come on!

Yume no Uta
It was only yesterday
The feel of your touch is
Still there like a Dream
And the mirror shattered
What happend baby?
(Chorus) When I fell asleep From reality I didn't know if I woke Up from the nightmare I'm searching for you It isn't a Dream without you Yume no Uta Your perfume never left The counter some Of your things are still In the closet I'll be waiting for you (End Chorus)
When I stare at this
Photo of you I tend to
Smile but where are the tears
The tiny diamonds
Finally stain the picture frame
Then I fall asleep
Is this the dream yet
(Chorus) When I fell asleep From reality I didn't know if I woke Up from the nightmare I'm searching for you It isn't a Dream without you Yume no Uta Your perfume never left The counter some Of your things are still In the closet I'll be waiting for you (End Chorus)
(Chorus) When I fell asleep From reality I didn't know if I woke Up from the nightmare I'm searching for you It isn't a Dream without you Yume no Uta Your perfume never left The counter some Of your things are still In the closet I'll be waiting for you (End Chorus)

Summer Song
Summer nights Summer days Summer food Summer grove Summer Song! It's a heat wave Ice cream cool me off Wake me up on a beach somewhere But I want to sleep in
Bring me an umbrella drink While I listen to ukulele music You know you love it The pleasantness of Being free for awhile No worries No troubles Summer Song I want to splash in an ocean Let's climb a palm tree You know you love it Being right here with me No problems No situations Summer Song
(End Chorus)
Don't be super delicate Lighten up enjoy Your short life We are here right now Smell those righteous flowers A perfect aroma
Bring me an umbrella drink While I listen to ukulele music You know you love it The pleasantness of Being free for awhile No worries No troubles Summer Song I want to splash in an ocean Let's climb a palm tree You know you love it Being right here with me No problems No situations Summer Song
(End Chorus)
The best way To end a day Is with you It means there will be Another beginning to A new day to end an old day With you
Bring me an umbrella drink While I listen to ukulele music You know you love it The pleasantness of Being free for awhile No worries No troubles Summer Song I want to splash in an ocean Let's climb a palm tree You know you love it Being right here with me No problems No situations Summer Song
(End Chorus)
Summer fun Summer Song Summer fun Summer Song

Futari de...
The rain outside falls all day
When will you be here
To provide the comfort
I need you right now
Us Together I'm vulnerable
(Chorus) When you come back to me I won't be able to breathe If I fall catch me please We are reunited Futari de... When we get to our home I'll hold you in my arms Almost like you never left (End Chorus)
I'll wait by the Door
clutching the cell phone
With the wallpaper
Of us with two smiles
It was real I miss you
When you get lonely
Please valiantly call me
(Chorus) When you come back to me I won't be able to breathe If I fall catch me please We are reunited Futari de... When we get to our home I'll hold you in my arms Almost like you never left (End Chorus)
Let's not keep any unspoken
Words between us
This smile will be waiting on you
(Chorus) When you come back to me I won't be able to breathe If I fall catch me please We are reunited Futari de... When we get to our home I'll hold you in my arms Almost like you never left (End Chorus)

What will I do today Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee I wonder Schools out forever I don't want to I back ever It's going to be a hot summer No water no music no fun bummer What can we do Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee Get up there's no water. Dance Stand up there's no music. Sing Shut up there's no fun. Make it
(End Chorus)
Party with your friends There's no homework To hold us down Sleep all day and Party all night You make your own hours
What will I do today Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee I wonder Schools out forever I don't want to I back ever It's going to be a hot summer No water no music no fun bummer What can we do Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee Get up there's no water. Dance Stand up there's no music. Sing Shut up there's no fun. Make it
(End Chorus)
A few months to do whatever I walked out of that school Like I'm outta here Put my hand up Like so long I need a break Take a chill pill people It's summer time
What will I do today Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee I wonder Schools out forever I don't want to I back ever It's going to be a hot summer No water no music no fun bummer What can we do Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee Get up there's no water. Dance Stand up there's no music. Sing Shut up there's no fun. Make it
(End Chorus)
(Music Break) Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee (Music Break)
What will I do today Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee I wonder Schools out forever I don't want to I back ever It's going to be a hot summer No water no music no fun bummer What can we do Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee Get up there's no water. Dance Stand up there's no music. Sing Shut up there's no fun. Make it
(End Chorus)

c-c-check it check that phone
I've been waiting for hours
one simple question
yes or no is it too hard to ask?
I should just talk to you face to face
electronics go figure
oh gimme gimme gimme
I just want a reply
are you busy
are you in trouble
waiting and waiting
calls texts and voicemails oh my
I just need you know
(End Chorus)
oh oh is it too much to ask
it just takes a few seconds
it's not rocket science
work those thumbs
spell those words
I've waited 30 mins
are you dead?
oh gimme gimme gimme
I just want a reply
are you busy
are you in trouble
waiting and waiting
calls texts and voicemails oh my
I just need you know
(End Chorus)
check your phone
I check my phone
baby please
(Music Break)
oh gimme gimme gimme
I just want a reply
are you busy
are you in trouble
waiting and waiting
calls texts and voicemails oh my
I just need you know
(End Chorus)

Been there for you yeah But I may not be back This was our way of love Come play with me Ups and downs Oh my gosh Terrifiying yet terrific You get me going
Roll the dice It's time to play Spin the wheel Roulette baby Take a chance Play the GAME Play with me Place your bets On love I'll be player 1 You be player 2 And start the GAME
(End Chorus)
This never gets old Let's play again Do you want to start a new round Come play with me Heroes and villians Here we go again Scary nights yet amazing days Take me to the next level
Roll the dice It's time to play Spin the wheel Roulette baby Take a chance Play the GAME Play with me Place your bets On love I'll be player 1 You be player 2 And start the GAME
(End Chorus)
Are you sure you want to do this Save our GAME We'll play again Come play with me Right now we are on pause Come on player 2 And start the GAME
Roll the dice It's time to play Spin the wheel Roulette baby Take a chance Play the GAME Play with me Place your bets On love I'll be player 1 You be player 2 And start the GAME
(End Chorus)

I look in the air When I don't want to care How can I feel so alive Everything about me is dull I want to be happy And the the sun rises
Look to the sky Sora Sora I want to Soar in the Sora Will my feathers turn A delicate deep blue? Wind, make me feel alive With a delightful furious breeze Yume yume yume Make my dreams reality In the sky In the sky In the sky
(End Chorus)
There is no regret In this gold heart Disguised by carelessness I put myself in this position Am I in pain? A gentle cry The sun is at high noon
Look to the sky Sora Sora I want to Soar in the Sora Will my feathers turn A delicate deep blue? Wind, make me feel alive With a delightful furious breeze Yume yume yume Make my dreams reality In the sky In the sky In the sky
(End Chorus)
Maybe I need encouragement To flap my pure white wings Will I amaze someone today? Will I touch a fragile heart? And then the sun sets
(Chorus) Look to the sky Sora Sora I want to Soar in the Sora Will my feathers turn A delicate deep blue? Wind, make me feel alive With a delightful furious breeze Yume yume yume Make my dreams reality In the sky In the sky In the sky
(End Chorus)
Tabun itsuka

Run For It
So run for your life Pedal to the medal Sprint away quick Run For It rah! So run for your life Pedal to the medal Sprint away quick Run For It hurry! Hayaku! Come on now
(End Chorus)
We have go be In a hurry So run swift Run fast people We're going to be late They are waiting on us (Chorus)
So run for your life Pedal to the medal Sprint away quick Run For It rah! So run for your life Pedal to the medal Sprint away quick Run For It hurry! Hayaku! Come on now
(End Chorus)
Late we gonna be late Oh no oh no Don't fail me now legs I'm counting on myself Let's hurry Let's go
So run for your life Pedal to the medal Sprint away quick Run For It rah! So run for your life Pedal to the medal Sprint away quick Run For It hurry! Hayaku! Come on now
(End Chorus)

Something so shiny and true Right in front of my eyes Here you are Oh my god How beautiful is this day!? Mir-a-cle
I've prayed for this all along But what I truly wanted was right here Family friends loved ones It's just like paradise And then the light shines in It's just like paradise Is it magic no Kiseki Do you believe in Kiseki Is it magic no Kiseki
(End Chorus)
For my happiness I give a ballad For my sadness I give a love song An ode to you Lifts my spirits I hope you'll understand
I've prayed for this all along But what I truly wanted was right here Family friends loved ones It's just like paradise And then the light shines in It's just like paradise Is it magic no Kiseki Do you believe in Kiseki Is it magic no Kiseki
(End Chorus)
(Music Break)
I've prayed for this all along But what I truly wanted was right here Family friends loved ones It's just like paradise And then the light shines in It's just like paradise Is it magic no Kiseki Do you believe in Kiseki Is it magic no Kiseki
(End Chorus)

Tell me what you want I'll make it yours I want to make your dreams come true That's my dream Seeing you happy makes me happy Let me make you happy
I'm Genie for you baby Tell me your wish I'm Genie for your dreams Open your heart to me I'm Genie for your love I'll grant your wishes I'm Genie for your desires Whisper them to me
(End Chorus)
It is not a miracle But my will That is what I want you to see I will go to the ends of The world just for you And I'm serious This is all for you
I'm Genie for you baby Tell me your wish I'm Genie for your dreams Open your heart to me I'm Genie for your love I'll grant your wishes I'm Genie for your desires Whisper them to me
(End Chorus)
Magic lamps And flying carpets 3 is the magic number But I can give you more I'm Genie for you (Chorus)
I'm Genie for you baby Tell me your wish I'm Genie for your dreams Open your heart to me I'm Genie for your love I'll grant your wishes I'm Genie for your desires Whisper them to me
(End Chorus)

Cut Copy & Paste
Hey hey hey My relationships don't Last too long are You sure you want To bark up this tree Feel me feel me feel me I'm not that good of a person I've got to tell you something
Control C for copy Control P for pasting Hello misses perfect Your no super star This is not my fantasy I'm just about tired of you I want a new you Cut the relationship Copy the girl Paste on my new smile Cut Copy & Paste Cut Copy & Paste
(End Chorus)
I can find a new you Your not the only fish In this sea and I'm a shark You you you Can move on now This conversation is over We we we Are done, over, for good
Control C for copy Control P for pasting Hello misses perfect Your no super star This is not my fantasy I'm just about tired of you I want a new you Cut the relationship Copy the girl Paste on my new smile Cut Copy & Paste Cut Copy & Paste
(End Chorus)
It's not that your pretty You are gorgeous I'm just easily bored It's not you it's me baby I sing to my own melody
Control C for copy Control P for pasting Hello misses perfect Your no super star This is not my fantasy I'm just about tired of you I want a new you Cut the relationship Copy the girl Paste on my new smile Cut Copy & Paste Cut Copy & Paste
(End Chorus)

how can you stand
to even look at yourself
after all you have done
one day I'll get that
revenge that has seeped
deep into my skin
you traitor how
can you show me your face
have you no honor or shame
have you no pride nor justice
what are you doing here
what are you thinking in your head
I'm tired of seeing you
I'm tired of your senselessness
put me out of my misery
can you still even look in a Mirror?
you heartless creature
does your reflection break
in the Mirror?
Mirror my dreams
now Mirror my saddness
(End Chorus)
how can you stand to
live after your crimes
your a villian
the worst of the worst
I'm not going to run
away but should I fight?
your day will come
have you no honor or shame
have you no pride nor justice
what are you doing here
what are you thinking in your head
I'm tired of seeing you
I'm tired of your senselessness
put me out of my misery
can you still even look in a Mirror?
you heartless creature
does your reflection break
in the Mirror?
Mirror my dreams
now Mirror my saddness
(End Chorus)
the past is the past
but what you did was
how could a human
being do what you did?
have you no honor or shame
have you no pride nor justice
what are you doing here
what are you thinking in your head
I'm tired of seeing you
I'm tired of your senselessness
put me out of my misery
can you still even look in a Mirror?
you heartless creature
does your reflection break
in the Mirror?
Mirror my dreams
now Mirror my saddness
(End Chorus)

uh oh Oops! uh oh Oops!
maybe I am a little
teeny tiny bit clutzy
(oh well oh well)
but I can't help
it I constantly make
mistakes (over and over again)
forgive me for my failures
but all I can say
is I'll try harder
I broke the priceless vase
Oops! got any glue?
when I tripped
I sent ten people to the hospital
Oops! I'm very sorry!
all day it's
Oops! Oops! Oops!
it's not like I intend
I'm trying too hard
please forgive me
I mean very well
just a little clutzy
all I can say is Oops!
(End Chorus)
it's not that I'm shy
my feet sometimes
get tangled my fingers
sometimes get tied
just wrap me in bubble wrap
that's all you can do
I'm danger proned!
I broke the priceless vase
Oops! got any glue?
when I tripped
I sent ten people to the hospital
Oops! I'm very sorry!
all day it's
Oops! Oops! Oops!
it's not like I intend
I'm trying too hard
please forgive me
I mean very well
just a little clutzy
all I can say is Oops!
(End Chorus)
clutzyness my kryptonite!
(Music Break)
I broke the priceless vase
Oops! got any glue?
when I tripped
I sent ten people to the hospital
Oops! I'm very sorry!
all day it's
Oops! Oops! Oops!
it's not like I intend
I'm trying too hard
please forgive me
I mean very well
just a little clutzy
all I can say is Oops!
(End Chorus)
uh oh Oops! uh oh Oops!

MR. TAXI samples Girls' Generation. I felt that the comeback posts needed a home so here is a repackage album with 4 new lyric songs!


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