show me your colors
paint on my blank canvas
(Music Break)
hey... hey... hey...
I've never been one
with an imagination
I'm slightly robotic
the colors outside bore
me to death
but you...
you burst with creativity
show me the way
to change for the better
to the be the best me
and make me be able to see
that the world is beautiful
to love others
to give me life
so I can help end strife
so the world can stay wonderful
what inspires me the most
is that the tip of your
brush isn't thirsty yet
(End Chorus)
make the black and white
fade into nothingness
(Music Break)
if I keep seeing gray
I'll be dull forever
but you are bright and
vibrant, draw some
of it onto me please
give me a dramatic change
I want to see it
the beauty of it all
to change for the better
to the be the best me
and make me be able to see
that the world is beautiful
to love others
to give me life
so I can help end strife
so the world can stay wonderful
what inspires me the most
is that the tip of your
brush isn't thirsty yet
(End Chorus)
make it shine
light up the world
(Music Break)
woah woah yeah yeah
woah woah yeah yeah
woah woah yeah yeah
help me believe it
to change for the better
to the be the best me
and make me be able to see
that the world is beautiful
to love others
to give me life
so I can help end strife
so the world can stay wonderful
what inspires me the most
is that the tip of your
brush isn't thirsty yet
(End Chorus)
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