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Magnum Opus

Magnum Opus
1. Promise Me
2. A Flower
3. I'm In Heaven
5. Whereabouts Unknown
6. T
7. Magnum Opus
8. Wild & Young
9. Girls And Boys
10. Lights
11. HeyLow
12. In The Dark
13. RUN
14. I'm Not Afraid
15. Beauty
16. I'll Be True, I Love You!

Promise Me
Promise Me that I will
see my name up in lights
that I can be
a bright star
Promise Me that I won't
fall flat on my face
that I can actually go places
Promise Me that my life
just won't fade away
I don't like feeling that way
Promise Me
(Music Break)
(End Chorus)
I want to tell you
tell you a secret
I want to be famous
not to be coinceded
but I have star quality
I want to make
my music all day long
and lay down those beats
Promise Me that I will
see my name up in lights
that I can be
a bright star
Promise Me that I won't
fall flat on my face
that I can actually go places
Promise Me that my life
just won't fade away
I don't like feeling that way
Promise Me
(Music Break)
(End Chorus)
I don't want to blow
into the wind
I want to be remembered
for at least something good
a feat that needs accomplished
is something that I want to do
does that sound so crazy?
my dream to be a R&B singer
is something that I hope
doesn't go away
Promise Me that I will
see my name up in lights
that I can be
a bright star
Promise Me that I won't
fall flat on my face
that I can actually go places
Promise Me that my life
just won't fade away
I don't like feeling that way
Promise Me
(Music Break)
(End Chorus)
(Continued Music Break)
Promise Me my dreams
will become reality
Promise Me that I will
see my name up in lights
that I can be
a bright star
Promise Me that I won't
fall flat on my face
that I can actually go places
Promise Me that my life
just won't fade away
I don't like feeling that way
Promise Me
(Music Break)
(End Chorus)

A Flower
I will be strong
I will be tough
giving up is not in
my dictionary
that is how I was raised
and I don't plan
on changing my ways
I don't want to lose
no I don't want to lose
strong as a pyramid
tough as the earth
say what you want
about me I will not be moved
your opinions can't persuade me
your comments are useless
I'm too hard headed
just too independent
A Flower that won't
bend to the wind
a rock that won't be
moved by weather
a fortress untouched
by time
I may just be A Flower
but I won't follow the crowd
(End Chorus)
some say I'm too set
in my ways
I don't think I could
ever be set enough
after I turn away from a
group conversation
I can hear the knives
being thrown but
I can't be stabbed
I'm tough as nails
but I have a heart
I just don't let pety
things get to me
strong as a pyramid
tough as the earth
say what you want
about me I will not be moved
your opinions can't persuade me
your comments are useless
I'm too hard headed
just too independent
A Flower that won't
bend to the wind
a rock that won't be
moved by weather
a fortress untouched
by time
I may just be A Flower
but I won't follow the crowd
(End Chorus)
if there are any flowers out
there that feel they are
so covered up that they
can't let their beauty shine
outgrow the rest
so you can see the sunshine
and everyone can know
about that strong inner
beauty you possess
strong as a pyramid
tough as the earth
say what you want
about me I will not be moved
your opinions can't persuade me
your comments are useless
I'm too hard headed
just too independent
A Flower that won't
bend to the wind
a rock that won't be
moved by weather
a fortress untouched
by time
I may just be A Flower
but I won't follow the crowd
(End Chorus)

I'm In Heaven
I'm In Heaven
I'm In Heaven
I'm In Heaven oh
somehow I knew I
would someday be free
from the pain and
hurt of everyday life
even if it is just when
I get home watching TV
with my feet up
I'm in peace
even if it's just
when my head hits the pillow
I'm In Heaven
when I eat a piece of
Hershey's chocolate
or take a nice hot shower
it's the little things that matter
I'm In Heaven
when I listen to
my favorite tunes
driving down the road
with the top down
I'm In Heaven
I'm In Heaven
I'm In Heaven oh
(End Chorus)
whoever said that
there needs to be more
than simplicity
that must have not met me
simple is dang real to me
I'd rather have
a cozy house in a subdivision
fulll of life
than a mansion on a hill top
who needs it
I'm In Heaven
when I eat a piece of
Hershey's chocolate
or take a nice hot shower
it's the little things that matter
I'm In Heaven
when I listen to
my favorite tunes
driving down the road
with the top down
I'm In Heaven
I'm In Heaven
I'm In Heaven oh
(End Chorus)
the small things that
people look over often
what would they do if
they were suddenly gone?
appreciate them for they
may not last forever
nothing is set in stone
neither are the little things
I'm In Heaven
when I eat a piece of
Hershey's chocolate
or take a nice hot shower
it's the little things that matter
I'm In Heaven
when I listen to
my favorite tunes
driving down the road
with the top down
I'm In Heaven
I'm In Heaven
I'm In Heaven oh
(End Chorus)

gotta gotta know
just how much you
love me me me
and that you'll never
stop stop stop
I want to give you
what ever you
need need need
gotta gotta know
just how much you
love me me me
and that you'll never
stop stop stop
I want to give you
what ever you
need need need
are you in or
are you out
the question all of
the tabloids want to know
are you willing
to date me or not
one day your all
about our love
the next day you
won't pick up the phone
I'm not saying you
don't have to be
clingy I'm just saying
show that you care
how I love you
is how you should love me
I don't like you confusing games
but I'm madly in love with yo
please please please
I want to give you the universe
so don't turn away
come to me and
(End Chorus)
just remember you will
always have this shoulder
to lean on for support
today you were actually
in love with me
I could tell by that smile
it's nothing to be
ashamed of it's love
simple in a good way
and yet so innocent
hand holding and
kissing on the cheek
the little things
set my heart ablaze
I'm not saying you
don't have to be
clingy I'm just saying
show that you care
how I love you
is how you should love me
I don't like you confusing games
but I'm madly in love with yo
please please please
I want to give you the universe
so don't turn away
come to me and
(End Chorus)
(Music Break)
gotta gotta know
just how much you
love me me me
and that you'll never
stop stop stop
I want to give you
what ever you
need need need
gotta gotta know
just how much you
love me me me
and that you'll never
stop stop stop
I want to give you
what ever you
need need need

Whereabouts Unknown
where have you gone
something is missing from
my life is it you?
can't shake this feeling
that something is different
what the heck is wrong
Whereabouts Unknown
where have you disappeared to
I can't find you
am I blind
even though I can still see?
your whereabouts are unknown
but not for long
I will seek you out
(Music Break)
(End Chorus)
file a missing persons report
we need to launch a search party
someone very dear to me
is gone but still here
where you at?
I am right here
run to me as
fast as your feet can take you
Whereabouts Unknown
where have you disappeared to
I can't find you
am I blind
even though I can still see?
your whereabouts are unknown
but not for long
I will seek you out
(Music Break)
(End Chorus)
are you lost in a fog
are you lost at sea
gone in the blink of the eye
I didn't even know
you were missng for awhile
Whereabouts Unknown
where have you disappeared to
I can't find you
am I blind
even though I can still see?
your whereabouts are unknown
but not for long
I will seek you out
(Music Break)
(End Chorus)

"Teresa" love is the
subject matter of the world
can you solve such a problem?
when two people meet
do they always have
to fall in love?
can't they just meet for
the sake of meeting

it's like you said today
two people fell in love
a blossom bloomed to full beauty
also today two people's
love violently died
the flower drastically wilted

"Teresa" help them so that
they can keep their innocent love
let them down easy
for they are still so young
isn't it beautiful? (T)

"Teresa" their love has been stabbed
this is bleeding love
they can no longer return the feelings
that they once had
if a diamond was once coal
can it return to coal and become brilliant again? (T)

"Teresa" my dear you are a saint
teach them of love
what real love is
spread that feeling around the world
if anyone can do it
you can "Teresa" (T)
(End Chorus)

they are only human
they make mistakes
especially in love
sometimes fair sometimes unfair
love is the strongest
force in the world

lend a helping hand to them
it is not their fault
they strayed from the path
they can't help that
love is decieving sometimes
we fall in love for the wrong reasons

"Teresa" help them so that
they can keep their innocent love
let them down easy
for they are still so young
isn't it beautiful? (T)

"Teresa" their love has been stabbed
this is bleeding love
they can no longer return the feelings
that they once had
if a diamond was once coal
can it return to coal and become brilliant again? (T)

"Teresa" my dear you are a saint
teach them of love
what real love is
spread that feeling around the world
if anyone can do it
you can "Teresa" (T)
(End Chorus)

"Teresa" they didn't know
what they were doing

"Teresa" they are just
innnocent children

"Teresa" lend them
you guidance they need it

"Teresa" help them so that
they can keep their innocent love
let them down easy
for they are still so young
isn't it beautiful? (T)

"Teresa" their love has been stabbed
this is bleeding love
they can no longer return the feelings
that they once had
if a diamond was once coal
can it return to coal and become brilliant again? (T)

"Teresa" my dear you are a saint
teach them of love
what real love is
spread that feeling around the world
if anyone can do it
you can "Teresa" (T)
(End Chorus)

Magnum Opus
my best my best my best
I'm going to give you
my Magnum Opus
I always give my best
so I'll give better
it's only in my nature
to give it my all
if I don't I feel
unsatisfied I feel weak
guess I'll get going
I always give my best
so I'll give better
100% 110% 200%
this magic is
my Magnum Opus
my Magnum Opus
my all is good
but isn't good enough
I'll go beyond the up
I won't come crashing down
I put my heart and soul
into my Magnum Opus
(End Chorus)
it's what I'm best at
this will be what I'm
best remembered for
I can sing but
I'm not too good at dancing
that will have to change
I want to wow a crowd
with a fantastic show
don't call me a singer
call me an entertainer
I always give my best
so I'll give greater
100% 110% 200%
this magic is
my Magnum Opus
my Magnum Opus
my all is good
but isn't good enough
I'll go beyond the up
I won't come crashing down
I put my heart and soul
into my Magnum Opus
(End Chorus)
gather around watch me
dazzle I'll show you
all of what I can do
be amazed but
watch out for your
jaw that is bound to drop
this is it this is what I got
this is the Magnum Opus
I always give my best
so I'll give better
100% 110% 200%
this magic is
my Magnum Opus
my Magnum Opus
my all is good
but isn't good enough
I'll go beyond the up
I won't come crashing down
I put my heart and soul
into my Magnum Opus
(End Chorus)

Wild & Young
it's time it's time
for the Wild & Young
to be Wild & Young
rebel a little
have fun a lot
this is your era
your time on the clock
we need to make it
while we got it
one day we will watch
others our age do what
we are doing right now
being Wild & Young
but for today
I'm not ready to give
up that Wild & Young just yet
(End Chorus)
let em loose on the streets
it's 3 o clock
get out of that school
drive out in style with
the top down
cause a little mayhem
Wild & Young ones yeah!
it's time it's time
for the Wild & Young
to be Wild & Young
rebel a little
have fun a lot
this is your era
your time on the clock
we need to make it
while we got it
one day we will watch
others our age do what
we are doing right now
being Wild & Young
but for today
I'm not ready to give
up that Wild & Young just yet
(End Chorus)
isn't it a great feeling
we got started but
we still need some help
we can't be tied down
young loves young times
young lives today is
the only that matters
we are still trying
to figure things out
the world is still new
it's time it's time
for the Wild & Young
to be Wild & Young
rebel a little
have fun a lot
this is your era
your time on the clock
we need to make it
while we got it
one day we will watch
others our age do what
we are doing right now
being Wild & Young
but for today
I'm not ready to give
up that Wild & Young just yet
(End Chorus)
get up and move Wild & Young
people come one
(Music Break)
it's time it's time
for the Wild & Young
to be Wild & Young
rebel a little
have fun a lot
this is your era
your time on the clock
we need to make it
while we got it
one day we will watch
others our age do what
we are doing right now
being Wild & Young
but for today
I'm not ready to give
up that Wild & Young just yet
(End Chorus)

Girls And Boys
boys girls hear me out
I'll tell you without a doubt
love is a many splendid thing
it's your right to love
you deserve it
we all need to love
we all want love
we can find it anywhere
Girls And Boys you can take
love fast of slow
whichever way there may be
heartbreak you'll find love someday
Girls And Boys you need love
you're still young
you'll understand sooner or later
girls take your time to find him
make sure he is right
love him forever love is all
boys treat her right
make sure she is the one
love her forever love is all
(End Chorus)
boys girls we're all young
we all need someone to love
the truth is the truth
we are going to find love
we found love
it doesn't matter we need
it we got to have it
don't you want to feel love
I want to feel love
Girls And Boys you can take
love fast of slow
whichever way there may be
heartbreak you'll find love someday
Girls And Boys you need love
you're still young
you'll understand sooner or later
girls take your time to find him
make sure he is right
love him forever love is all
boys treat her right
make sure she is the one
love her forever love is all
(End Chorus)
girls boys
boys girls
boys and girls
Girls And Boys
Girls And Boys you can take
love fast of slow
whichever way there may be
heartbreak you'll find love someday
Girls And Boys you need love
you're still young
you'll understand sooner or later
girls take your time to find him
make sure he is right
love him forever love is all
boys treat her right
make sure she is the one
love her forever love is all
(End Chorus)

all of them
shining brightly
let's be like the Lights
let's shine like the sun
light up a dark night
show our enemies
what we got
what we can do
there are a few bright Lights
but we can shine
with the best of them
don't ask me how
I just know so
there are Lights in you
it is up to you
whether they will shine
Lights Lights Lights
it's getting dark
everybody hit your Lights
(End Chorus)
(Music Break)
brighter than the sun
where are my shades?
I need them
everyone is so good
on the inside it is
blinding can you
believe it? I can
yes yes you
can believe it now
let's be like the Lights
let's shine like the sun
light up a dark night
show our enemies
what we got
what we can do
there are a few bright Lights
but we can shine
with the best of them
don't ask me how
I just know so
there are Lights in you
it is up to you
whether they will shine
Lights Lights Lights
it's getting dark
everybody hit your Lights
(End Chorus)
ladies and gentlemen
it's inside of you
you may have not
always noticed it
was there but that
shining light
let it shine with
all your might
let's see the Lights
let's be like the Lights
let's shine like the sun
light up a dark night
show our enemies
what we got
what we can do
there are a few bright Lights
but we can shine
with the best of them
don't ask me how
I just know so
there are Lights in you
it is up to you
whether they will shine
Lights Lights Lights
it's getting dark
everybody hit your Lights
(End Chorus)

a HeyLow around
your head
a HeyLow around
your head
HeyLow I love you
your my guardian angel
I couldn't ask for better
your just too sweet
wrap me in your
wings my angel
HeyLow around
your head
hey there is a HeyLow
around your head
a HeyLow around
your head
a HeyLow around
your head
your a angel
my angel
I love you
HeyLow and all
(Music Break)
(End Chorus)
you live in heaven
you make miracles
happen speaking of
miracles our love
is one of them
thank God I found
you and you like
me thank you
HeyLow around
your head
hey there is a HeyLow
around your head
a HeyLow around
your head
a HeyLow around
your head
your a angel
my angel
I love you
HeyLow and all
(Music Break)
(End Chorus)
(Extended Music Break)
hey low hey low
HeyLow around
your head
hey there is a HeyLow
around your head
a HeyLow around
your head
a HeyLow around
your head
your a angel
my angel
I love you
HeyLow and all
(Music Break)
(End Chorus)

In The Dark
you never tell me
anything you are going
to do I'm tired
do you think I'm
so stupid that I
louse everything up
not this time
don't leave me
In The Dark
or when you come back
you might find me
going to the light
you've left me
In The Dark
one too many times
what did you think
I was going to do
sit and take it
oh no way
I'm sick of the darkness
especially since I
embrace the light
I won't be
In The Dark
(End Chorus)
you and your little
friends with your twisted
plots was I one
of them I wonder
you assured me not
but I've been locked
away so long
if you do these
things out of the goodness
in your heart
why can't I be apart
of it
don't leave me
In The Dark
or when you come back
you might find me
going to the light
you've left me
In The Dark
one too many times
what did you think
I was going to do
sit and take it
oh no way
I'm sick of the darkness
especially since I
embrace the light
I won't be
In The Dark
(End Chorus)
I've got to know
what exactly you are
doing it's driving
me up the wall
you won't tell me
so of course I'm suspicous
I'm like a cat curious
after so long
why wouldn't I wonder
what you are doing
don't leave me
In The Dark
or when you come back
you might find me
going to the light
you've left me
In The Dark
one too many times
what did you think
I was going to do
sit and take it
oh no way
I'm sick of the darkness
especially since I
embrace the light
I won't be
In The Dark
(End Chorus)

let's just go
and not ask ourselves
where just sprint
to the north east
west or south
I'm ready as long
as it is with you
let's RUN
RUN away from
all the pain
that was yesterday
we got tired of it
because we know
we don't have to
put up with it
so let's RUN
keep on going
faster and faster
mile by mile
I'm not tired yet
let's keep on the RUN
(End Chorus)
everyday life wasn't
too much  but that
one continous problem
bugged me too much
what about you?
you look pretty worn
yourself my friend
you know what
we have to do
let's RUN
RUN away from
all the pain
that was yesterday
we got tired of it
because we know
we don't have to
put up with it
so let's RUN
keep on going
faster and faster
mile by mile
I'm not tired yet
let's keep on the RUN
(End Chorus)
(Music Break)
let's RUN
RUN away from
all the pain
that was yesterday
we got tired of it
because we know
we don't have to
put up with it
so let's RUN
keep on going
faster and faster
mile by mile
I'm not tired yet
let's keep on the RUN
(End Chorus)

I'm Not Afraid

no longer will I
have to be ashamed
of running away
from my fears
I'm ready to
face them bring
them to me
I'm Not Afraid
I'm Not Afraid
I'm Not Afraid
the feeling of being
scared means nothing
to me now
I'm not longer
blind to the dangers
of my enemies
I'm Not Afraid
I'm Not Afraid
I'm Not Afraid

(Music Break)
(End Chorus)
I don't need
anyone to hold
my hand anymore
I am brave
but I don't really
need to be
I just have to walk
with my head held high
watch out S.O.B.
I'm coming for you
I'm Not Afraid
I'm Not Afraid
I'm Not Afraid
the feeling of being
scared means nothing
to me now
I'm not longer
blind to the dangers
of my enemies
I'm Not Afraid
I'm Not Afraid
I'm Not Afraid

(Music Break)
(End Chorus)
I'm courageous
to some in their
eyes to others
who understand
they don't have to
ask why I'm
laying my life
on the line
for something that may not
be that important to you
but it means everything
to me
(Music Break)
I'm Not Afraid
I'm Not Afraid
I'm Not Afraid
the feeling of being
scared means nothing
to me now
I'm not longer
blind to the dangers
of my enemies
I'm Not Afraid
I'm Not Afraid
I'm Not Afraid

(Music Break)
(End Chorus)

Can you see it?
Do you see it?
I do I do
take all of
This in it
Is a lot to see
A whole lot
A worlds worth
Can you see the
Beauty of it all
The wonder of
The world we all
Walk on everyday
The Beauty of adventure
The Beauty of life
Can all be found here
Here on this Earth
So much Beauty
It's like looking into
A water color painting
So pretty it's beautiful
Beauty Beauty Beauty
(End Chorus)
You don't have to
Have 20/20 vision
To see how perfect
The world is
Just the way it is
How do we know how
Much good there
Is if we just look
At the bad?
Can you see the
Beauty of it all
The wonder of
The world we all
Walk on everyday
The Beauty of adventure
The Beauty of life
Can all be found here
Here on this Earth
So much Beauty
It's like looking into
A water color painting
So pretty it's beautiful
Beauty Beauty Beauty
(End Chorus)
(Music Break)
Oh the Beauty of it all
Can you see the
Beauty of it all
The wonder of
The world we all
Walk on everyday
The Beauty of adventure
The Beauty of life
Can all be found here
Here on this Earth
So much Beauty
It's like looking into
A water color painting
So pretty it's beautiful
Beauty Beauty Beauty
(End Chorus)

I'll Be True, I Love You!
(I want to kiss you tonight)
Let's go here are
My feelings on the table
For all to gaze at
I'm going to tell
You honey what
I really think
Here I go
Listen closely please
I'll be true I'll be true
I love you I love you
I'll Be True, I Love You!
Here is to us
Love one love two
Skip to my blues
My lovely baby
Hold me dearly
This is our love song
Yes our ode
I'll sing it for you
You listen to it closely
I'll Be True, I Love You!
I love you I love you
I'll be true I'll be true
(End Chorus)
I see that smile
Your ecstatic what
Would happen if
I pulled out
A diamond ring right now
Don't worry I won't
We would be moving
Too fast I agree
Yeah yeah yeah
I'll be true I'll be true
I love you I love you
I'll Be True, I Love You!
Here is to us
Love one love two
Skip to my blues
My lovely baby
Hold me dearly
This is our love song
Yes our ode
I'll sing it for you
You listen to it closely
I'll Be True, I Love You!
I love you I love you
I'll be true I'll be true
(End Chorus)
Through the wind
(through the wind)
Through the rain
(through the rain)
And the snow and hail
(and the snow and hail)
Nothing will keep us apart
And I will always
Always love you
I'll be true I'll be true
I love you I love you
I'll Be True, I Love You!
Here is to us
Love one love two
Skip to my blues
My lovely baby
Hold me dearly
This is our love song
Yes our ode
I'll sing it for you
You listen to it closely
I'll Be True, I Love You!
I love you I love you
I'll be true I'll be true
(End Chorus)

I hope everyone likes Magnum Opus! I worked very hard on it. I think this really may be my best work. "T" draws inspiration from Ayumi Hamasaki's "M" I love that song so I thought I would try to apply it's principle to "T" and I am proud with the final result. As for some other favorite lyrics I love "Flower" and "Promise Me". Don't get me wrong I love all of the lyrics! Anyway, I have more albums lined up. Until then enjoy Magnum Opus! Thanks for reading!

A new single from a new album will be releasd on Friday! Please stop by and read it!


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The Other Side of Goodbye 1.  The Other Side of Goodbye The Other Side of Goodbye (verse 1) I can't say I'm not thankful when I look through my old photo album I know I've acted ungrateful but all I'm seeing is tears, laughter, and memories we all passed down our legends it was like those decades lasted just seconds a lifetime that lasts eternity but all I'm seeing is tears, laughter, and memories (chorus) a last song for you, last song for you a little blue, but I promise it'll always feel brand new a last song for you, last song for you in my mind, you'll walk through the same door like you always do I swear I loved this place I swear I loved every face I swear on this melody, I swear we were in harmony we shared enemies, we cared so friendly it was then that I learned everything's not in black and white thank you for kindness, thank you for your tenderness thank you for smile, thank you for your love thank you for everything this goodbye has another s...

Fall-In-Love Fortune Cookie

Fall-In-Love Fortune Cookie 1.  Fall-In-Love Fortune Cookie Fall-In-Love Fortune Cookie (verse 1) I wonder if you really like me but I'm too cowardly down on my knees praying that we are meant to be if only I could gaze into the shiny future to see yeah! yeah! yeah! I'd tap my heels in ruby slippers, I'd crinkle my nose will my romantic wish come true? God only knows I need good advice, and I need it really fast yeah! yeah! yeah! there's a disco in my heart by the sound of the music oh wait, it's just beating so loud it's a question, and the answer, I gotta know it I'll write a poem over this heartfelt rhythm I think you're so cute, and so charismatic come on, come on, come on, come on, baby! won't you please notice me, oh?! (chorus) fall-in-love by a fortune cookie I'll crack it open and stay hoping for a good future hey! hey! hey! a love I can't possibly know makes me feel so unsure my heart wants a fortune cookie it's impossible, but I...


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