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M Best

M Best1. Somebody To Love
2. Walk That Walk
3. Mountain
4. Magic In Me
6. Me Myself & I
7. One Wish
8. I'm A Dreamer
9. BFF
10. Dominos
11 Go The Distance
12. Whatever (For You)

Somebody To Love
I need Somebody To Love
me for me
that's all that I need
Somebody To Love
please love me
that's all that I ask
I don't need much
I just need
Somebody To Love
someday love me
Somebody To Love
someday love me
(End Chorus)
I want you all to know
these are the deep feelings
that lie deep in my heart
I need to feel love
I need to give love
I'm  not asking for much
I need Somebody To Love
me for me
that's all that I need
Somebody To Love
please love me
that's all that I ask
I don't need much
I just need
Somebody To Love
someday love me
Somebody To Love
someday love me
(End Chorus)
I'm not going to say
I don't care who it is
I do I do care
maybe I'm just too picky
should I lower my expectations
is there someone out there
that will love me for me?
I need Somebody To Love
me for me
that's all that I need
Somebody To Love
please love me
that's all that I ask
I don't need much
I just need
Somebody To Love
someday love me
Somebody To Love
someday love me
(End Chorus)
Somebody To Love-ove-ove
(Music Break)
I need Somebody To Love
me for me
that's all that I need
Somebody To Love
please love me
that's all that I ask
I don't need much
I just need
Somebody To Love
someday love me
Somebody To Love
someday love me
(End Chorus)

Walk That Walk
watch out here I come
get ready and look out
I'm super dangerous
oh yeah I'm bad
all of you that talk that talk
can kiss my a$$
because I walk the walk
Walk That Walk
as I head down the street
with my confidence
all up in everyones face
Walk That Walk
even though the crowd
looks tough all they
can do is talk the talk
Walk That Walk
look at all the scared faces
I'm like the big bad wolf
you can't be bad and look as cool as me
Walk That Walk
Walk That Walk
Walk That Walk
(End Chorus)
all the haters flee
the little people jump with glee
I'm on top of things
with all my gold blings
I sped up to the top
so fast I outran a cop
I'm not afraid
that's how I was made
this beat is too nice
DJ add some spice
now it's my time
and it's not a crime
Walk That Walk
as I head down the street
with my confidence
all up in everyones face
Walk That Walk
even though the crowd
looks tough all they
can do is talk the talk
Walk That Walk
look at all the scared faces
I'm like the big bad wolf
you can't be bad and look as cool as me
Walk That Walk
Walk That Walk
Walk That Walk
(End Chorus)
you don't need a leather jacket
just a strong back bone
I'm not spineless
just because your meak
doesn't mean your weak
you are one of the strongest
you can walk the walk too
it's good you don't speak
so you can't talk the talk
but you can back it up
with a walk
Walk That Walk
as I head down the street
with my confidence
all up in everyones face
Walk That Walk
even though the crowd
looks tough all they
can do is talk the talk
Walk That Walk
look at all the scared faces
I'm like the big bad wolf
you can't be bad and look as cool as me
Walk That Walk
Walk That Walk
Walk That Walk
(End Chorus)

are there obstacles
in your way?
Do you feel like giving
up completely because
you have no hope?
I'm sorry but you
can't give up
get your gear together
climb that Mountain
once you are over it
you may notice
that it was just a grain of sand
a mole hill you made
more out of
wouldn't you feel better
if you found out
and knowing that you
succeeded you may
not be like other people
that is okay too
but you should still
get to climbing
don't let anything stand
in your way
be tall be strong
you can defeat
your problem you
just need the will to do it
you can do it
I'll root for you
this is your time
climb that Mountain
and solve your problem
when that Mountain you've
been climbing turns
into a grain of sand
and all your problems
seem like nothing now
now anyother Mountain
you have to tread
may turn out to
be mole hills too
you know now that
you can make it through
just by being you
you can take it all
you my friend are strong
so hurry get to
climbing that Mountain
so you know you
accomplished a feat
(End Chorus)
you will know
you are strong
after you climb the Mountain

Magic In Me
believe it or not
there is Magic In Me
I know it
because it's true
I've got Magic In Me
I can do anything
I just got to
believe in it
(End Chorus)
yeah that's right
I'm magical in
a good way of course
I want to make
wishes come true
make miracles happen
there is Magic In Me
I know it
because it's true
I've got Magic In Me
I can do anything
I just got to
believe in it
there is Magic In Me
I know it
because it's true
I've got Magic In Me
I can do anything
I just got to
believe in it
(End Chorus)
sparkle abracadabra
poof I've got that magic
whether you want
to believe it or not
I believe in magic
there is something
magical in the world
there is Magic In Me
I know it
because it's true
I've got Magic In Me
I can do anything
I just got to
believe in it
there is Magic In Me
I know it
because it's true
I've got Magic In Me
I can do anything
I just got to
believe in it
(End Chorus)
you have some
magic spark in you too
I know it is
there I have seen it
do a magic
trick for me
make all the hate
in the world disappear
there is Magic In Me
I know it
because it's true
I've got Magic In Me
I can do anything
I just got to
believe in it
there is Magic In Me
I know it
because it's true
I've got Magic In Me
I can do anything
I just got to
believe in it
(End Chorus)
there is magic
in the universe always
you see it
too don't you
you look at the
wrold with such innocent
eyes make sure
you keep them
there is Magic In Me
I know it
because it's true
I've got Magic In Me
I can do anything
I just got to
believe in it
there is Magic In Me
I know it
because it's true
I've got Magic In Me
I can do anything
I just got to
believe in it
(End Chorus)
make the magic happen

day after day
week after week
month after month
year after year
my love grows for you
your my one and only
you know my
love is true
I love you
day after day
week after week
month after month
year after year
(End Chorus)
my passion for our
love gets stronger
every minute I don't
think I could
ask for more love
show me some compassion
for my passion
I know you feel the same
day after day
week after week
month after month
year after year
my love grows for you
your my one and only
you know my
love is true
I love you
day after day
week after week
month after month
year after year
(End Chorus)
I bet you never
thought this would
happend but
I did I knew it would
I didn't save your life
but we happend so fast
and I love it
we help each other
I couldn't ask
for anymore
day after day
week after week
month after month
year after year
my love grows for you
your my one and only
you know my
love is true
I love you
day after day
week after week
month after month
year after year
(End Chorus)
day after day
week after week
month after month
year after year
my love grows for you
your my one and only
you know my
love is true
I love you
day after day
week after week
month after month
year after year
(End Chorus)

Me Myself & I
I only need
Me Myself & I
because I am
the only person
that I can trust
in the end
I can only count on
Me Myself & I
to get things done
forget my friends
i no longer have foes
just Me Myself & I
Me Myself & I
Me Myself & I
I need no one but me
(End Chorus)
one day I realized
I'm tired of
being let down
by my so called
friends if they won't
return the help
I give them
(Music Break)
I only need
Me Myself & I
because I am
the only person
that I can trust
in the end
I can only count on
Me Myself & I
to get things done
forget my friends
i no longer have foes
just Me Myself & I
Me Myself & I
Me Myself & I
I need no one but me
(End Chorus)
please tell me why
I should go
back to being
people's slave
I'm done with that
if I cared less about myself
I would probably return
to being a doormat
I only need
Me Myself & I
because I am
the only person
that I can trust
in the end
I can only count on
Me Myself & I
to get things done
forget my friends
i no longer have foes
just Me Myself & I
Me Myself & I
Me Myself & I
I need no one but me
(End Chorus)
I only need
Me Myself & I
because I am
the only person
that I can trust
in the end
I can only count on
Me Myself & I
to get things done
forget my friends
i no longer have foes
just Me Myself & I
Me Myself & I
Me Myself & I
I need no one but me
(End Chorus)

One Wish
if I had just one
just a single wish
I'd wish for you
to be here with me
it was so cruel
you ended up on
the other side
of the world
I miss you
if I had One Wish
you would come back
I miss your face everyday
a phone call
a text here and there
isn't enough for me
I know I'm selfish
but it's just not fair
someone please
grant me One Wish
so I could see her again
just one One Wish
a single One Wish
(End Chorus)
I know for a fact
you miss me too
so is it still so selfish
I don't think so
I just want everything
to be back to
the way it was
wouldn't that be nice
it is what I pray
for every night
if I had One Wish
you would come back
I miss your face everyday
a phone call
a text here and there
isn't enough for me
I know I'm selfish
but it's just not fair
someone please
grant me One Wish
so I could see her again
just one One Wish
a single One Wish
(End Chorus)
One One One Wish
a single single single  wish
thoughts about you
are out of control
in this moment right now
baby come back to me
if I had One Wish
you would come back
I miss your face everyday
a phone call
a text here and there
isn't enough for me
I know I'm selfish
but it's just not fair
someone please
grant me One Wish
so I could see her again
just one One Wish
a single One Wish
(End Chorus)

I'm A Dreamer
I'm A Dreamer
I'm A Dreamer
hey hey hey
hey hey hey hey hey
we all have those
crazy dreams
young or old
short or tall
that seem farfetched
to others but
sensible to ourselves
don't give up on them
we all may be crazy
dreamers but we
don't think our dreams
are silly no
I won't give up on my
hopes and goals, my dreams
I'm A Dreamer
and that's how I will stay
who cares what
the friends think
the family thinks
and least of all
the strangers that
you'll never ever see again
so go ahead and
be your potential singers
someday doctors and future teachers
your all dreamers
(End Chorus)
it seems so tragic
when someone let's
a dream die
and they settle
for something less
than what could
have been we all
want more more
whether your
skinny or hefty
boy or girl
we all want our
dreams to come true
we all may be crazy
dreamers but we
don't think our dreams
are silly no
I won't give up on my
hopes and goals, my dreams
I'm A Dreamer
and that's how I will stay
who cares what
the friends think
the family thinks
and least of all
the strangers that
you'll never ever see again
so go ahead and
be your potential singers
someday doctors and future teachers
your all dreamers
(End Chorus)
only you have
the power to make
your dreams come
true only you
we all may be crazy
dreamers but we
don't think our dreams
are silly no
I won't give up on my
hopes and goals, my dreams
I'm A Dreamer
and that's how I will stay
who cares what
the friends think
the family thinks
and least of all
the strangers that
you'll never ever see again
so go ahead and
be your potential singers
someday doctors and future teachers
your all dreamers
(End Chorus)

we are yeah we are
bffs until the end of time
you will always be mine
my best freind
you know this song
is about you
and I hope it makes
you smile a real big
smile my friend
I remember the day
we first met
it was magical wonderful
we knew we had a
friendship right from the
start now we got to
each other for
everything yeah BFF BFF
I don't know what
I'd do without you
BFF BFF I love you
I can tell you anything
you always give me advice
and we hang out
at the funnest places
I love you
(End Chorus)
I wish I could show
you a different way
how I really appreciate you
and how I would
never be able to go
on without you
you make everyday great
and worth living
we always see eye to eye
and I wouldn't have it
any other way
I remember the day
we first met
it was magical wonderful
we knew we had a
friendship right from the
start now we got to
each other for
everything yeah BFF BFF
I don't know what
I'd do without you
BFF BFF I love you
I can tell you anything
you always give me advice
and we hang out
at the funnest places
I love you
(End Chorus)
you know I'll
always have your back
through thick and thin
we will win
you know that when
you are in trouble I'll be there
even if your anywhere
your my BFF and
I love you
I remember the day
we first met
it was magical wonderful
we knew we had a
friendship right from the
start now we got to
each other for
everything yeah BFF BFF
I don't know what
I'd do without you
BFF BFF I love you
I can tell you anything
you always give me advice
and we hang out
at the funnest places
I love you
(End Chorus)

Dominos falling Dominos
a falling down
what cha gonna do
wat cha gonna do
Dominos falling Dominos
a falling down
will you fall with them
will you go against the grain
will you fall like Dominos
that is a bad thing
stand up yeah
don't let them
knock you down
with the Dominos
your better way better
show them what your worth
get out of the stack
don't fall with the Dominos
fall like Dominos
fall like Dominos
yeah right
(End Chorus)
you want to be
successful right
well you better
take risks get
out of that comfort
zone show them
you are different
and better than
the rest
will you fall with them
will you go against the grain
will you fall like Dominos
that is a bad thing
stand up yeah
don't let them
knock you down
with the Dominos
your better way better
show them what your worth
get out of the stack
don't fall with the Dominos
fall like Dominos
fall like Dominos
yeah right
(End Chorus)
I know we are all
special we are great

Go The Distance
would you Go The Distance
for me would you
climb every mountain
because I was hurt
would you send me
every flower in the world
because I'm feeling a little down
how far would you
run for me, go for me
even though we have had
hard times we know
there are better times
in store for us
we have a life together
would you let it fall apart
I'd Go The Distance for you
would you Go The Distance for me?
(End Chorus)
I've proven I don't
know how many times
before that I would
do anything just to
keep you around
I walked 1000 miles
I'd walk 1000 more
I feel through the sky
even though I hit
hard I'd do it again for you
but your loyalty to me
has been questionable lately
would you Go The Distance
for me would you
climb every mountain
because I was hurt
would you send me
every flower in the world
because I'm feeling a little down
how far would you
run for me, go for me
even though we have had
hard times we know
there are better times
in store for us
we have a life together
would you let it fall apart
I'd Go The Distance for you
would you Go The Distance for me?
(End Chorus)
when you fall
I'm there to pick
you up and to kiss your
boo boo knee
when you are the fire
I put you out with
my water
if that was me
would you let me burn?
(Music Break)
would you Go The Distance
for me would you
climb every mountain
because I was hurt
would you send me
every flower in the world
because I'm feeling a little down
how far would you
run for me, go for me
even though we have had
hard times we know
there are better times
in store for us
we have a life together
would you let it fall apart
I'd Go The Distance for you
would you Go The Distance for me?
(End Chorus)
when I look into your
eyes I see deception
when you look into mine
you don't see a mirror
you can look deep into my
heart baby I don't
know about you
but you have to know
I'd Go The Distance for you
would you Go The Distance
for me would you
climb every mountain
because I was hurt
would you send me
every flower in the world
because I'm feeling a little down
how far would you
run for me, go for me
even though we have had
hard times we know
there are better times
in store for us
we have a life together
would you let it fall apart
I'd Go The Distance for you
would you Go The Distance for me?
(End Chorus)

Whatever (For You)
when you walked away
I didn't know what
to say you left
without a trace
now that your standing here
I can finally
breathe again
you know that
I would have
done what I had to
do to keep you here
I would have done Whatever
as long as ;you didn't go
Whatever For You
because those ten years
you were gone
I only thought about you
it was torture
and I regret what
I did to you
now your back
and I'll do Whatever
For You
(End Chorus)
I'd ask you to
promise me you
won't leave again
without even leaving
a note but I'm
scared it will give you
the idea to run off again
but your back now
I can touch you feel you
and hear that golden voice
I would have done Whatever
as long as ;you didn't go
Whatever For You
because those ten years
you were gone
I only thought about you
it was torture
and I regret what
I did to you
now your back
and I'll do Whatever
For You
(End Chorus)
If you leave again
I will come find you
I want to know
where you go after
you leave me behind
was it just me or
this twon was it this
town or this life
that you wanted to leave in the dust?
I would have done Whatever
as long as ;you didn't go
Whatever For You
because those ten years
you were gone
I only thought about you
it was torture
and I regret what
I did to you
now your back
and I'll do Whatever
For You
(End Chorus)

I hope everyone likes M Best! the lyrics in this album kinda feel spur of the moment to me. M Best means Moon Best or a sequel from Magnum Opus. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys the new lyrics!


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