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1. Bridge To The Sky
3. Disco-Munication
4. EnergizE
5. Sparkle
7. Green
8. Load Of The Shugyo
9. Identity
10. Rule
11. Love 'N' Hate
12. Pieces Of Seven
13. DAYS
14. Curtain Call

Bridge To The Sky
(Instrumentals with lots of oohs and aahs)

Can I do it?
Can I take myself to the top?
I think I can
will you be there to catch
me if I do?
I'm ready for a change
even if it is tough
though this is not a
video game I'd like
to take myself
so I can act and be better
so what if it is tough
I have to jump through
some obstacles anyway
I'm going to the NEXT LEVEL
so no one can stop me
do you want to go
to the top with me?
then hop on
(music break)
(end chorus)
I don't have to
put others down
to make me look better
all I got to do
is do what I think is
right and have no
regrets about it
that is how I want to
live my life
I'm ready to climb
though this is not a
video game I'd like
to take myself
so I can act and be better
so what if it is tough
I have to jump through
some obstacles anyway
I'm going to the NEXT LEVEL
so no one can stop me
do you want to go
to the top with me?
then hop on
(music break)
(end chorus)
though this isn't a
video game I'd like
to take myself to the NEXT LEVEL
I think I can be ready
for anything that way
I'm ready
though this is not a
video game I'd like
to take myself
so I can act and be better
so what if it is tough
I have to jump through
some obstacles anyway
I'm going to the NEXT LEVEL
so no one can stop me
do you want to go
to the top with me?
then hop on
(music break)
(end chorus)


put your hands up together
keep your heads up together
let me sing for ever
da da da da da
do you feel all
of the happy ferocity in here
theres so much you
could almost cut it with a knife
what did everyone put
in their coffee this morning?
it's like you drunk a thousand energy drinks
it's okay to let go
a song here and
a dance there
now you can EnergizE
it's all right
to bounce off the walls
like you have one
heck of a sugar rush
now you EnergizE
can you keep up
with the rest you're
not the only one with
a passion of energy
EnergizE EnergizE
(end chorus)
put your hands up together
keep your heads up together
let me sing forever
da da da da da
so you say you want
to dance all night long
do you mind if I
take you up on that
do you have enough
energy to carry you
through the night
it's okay to let go
a song here and
a dance there
now you can EnergizE
it's all right
to bounce off the walls
like you have one
heck of a sugar rush
now you EnergizE
can you keep up
with the rest you're
not the only one with
a passion of energy
EnergizE EnergizE
(end chorus)
put your hands up together
keep your heads up together
let me sing forever
da da da da da da
(music break)
it's okay to let go
a song here and
a dance there
now you can EnergizE
it's all right
to bounce off the walls
like you have one
heck of a sugar rush
now you EnergizE
can you keep up
with the rest you're
not the only one with
a passion of energy
EnergizE EnergizE
(end chorus)

there is competition out there
I've got to watch myself
everything I do has to be
perfect no flaws
watch what I say and watch
what I do
so that my dreams
will come true
I need to Sparkle
and be better than
everyone else I have
to look better than the person
before me and the person
after me oh no no no
no no no
(end chorus)
I have to lead the pack
I'm taking charge
maybe I'm a little selfish
but I want to accomplish
my own goals
I want people to be proud of me
so that my dreams
will come true
I need to Sparkle
and be better than
everyone else I have
to look better than the person
before me and the person
after me oh no no no
no no no
so that my dreams
will come true
I'm going to Sparkle
and be better than
everyone else I have
to look better than the person
before me and the person
after me oh no no no
no no no
(end chorus)
(music break)
so that my dreams
will come true
I need to Sparkle
and be better than
everyone else I have
to look better than the person
before me and the person
after me oh no no no
no no no
so that my dreams
will come true
I'm going to Sparkle
and be better than
everyone else I have
to look better than the person
before me and the person
after me oh no no no
no no no
(end chorus)

keep on moving along
keep on singing that song
keep dancing even though
your out of breath
run even when you think
you can't run anymore
I've just got to
keep on going
there is no stopping for me
I'm going to keep ROLLIN'
you need to
keep moving hurry hurry
don't slow down
you are going to keep ROLLIN'
we can't stop now
we've come to far
we don't need a break
come one let's keep ROLLIN'
ROLLIN' right on along
(end chorus)
I need to keep on running
no oh no I won't slow down
I'm keeping my pace up
I need to keep going
no matter what is in my way
I'm keeping my legs moving
sorry if I pass you
I'm just going to stay on the move
I've just got to
keep on going
there is no stopping for me
I'm going to keep ROLLIN'
you need to
keep moving hurry hurry
don't slow down
you are going to keep ROLLIN'
we can't stop now
we've come to far
we don't need a break
come one let's keep ROLLIN'
ROLLIN' right on along
(end chorus)
don't slow down
keep that body moving
keep it ROLLIN'
(music break)
I've just got to
keep on going
there is no stopping for me
I'm going to keep ROLLIN'
you need to
keep moving hurry hurry
don't slow down
you are going to keep ROLLIN'
we can't stop now
we've come to far
we don't need a break
come one let's keep ROLLIN'
ROLLIN' right on along
(end chorus)

I watch as the leaves
on the trees start
to lose their Green shine
it will be winter soon
and I know you will
have to go
it was love ever since
I touched your skin
why must you leave?
as the leaves
fade from Green
I watch you leave
my tears can't stop you now
when will my crying cease?
when the leaves leave Green
I start to feel a little depressed
it's that time of year
again isn't it?
the colors of the autumn leaves
yellows oranges reds and golds
will not make me smile
or look up again
when the Green comes back
around I will be on the look out for you
(End Chorus)
the worst part is I
have no idea where
you are when you leave
what happens to you
you always come back
with a happy look on your face
are you happy to see me?
as the leaves
fade from Green
I watch you leave
my tears can't stop you now
when will my crying cease?
when the leaves leave Green
I start to feel a little depressed
it's that time of year
again isn't it?
the colors of the autumn leaves
yellows oranges reds and golds
will not make me smile
or look up again
when the Green comes back
around I will be on the look out for you
(End Chorus)
the buds have blessed
the trees as the year
comes back around
I know you will
make a triumphant return soon
a spark of light is now
in my heart
will you be there to make
it into a full sun again
as the leaves
fade from Green
I watch you leave
my tears can't stop you now
when will my crying cease?
when the leaves leave Green
I start to feel a little depressed
it's that time of year
again isn't it?
the colors of the autumn leaves
yellows oranges reds and golds
will not make me smile
or look up again
when the Green comes back
around I will be on the look out for you
(End Chorus)
when the Green returns
and I see you
a smile will return to my
face for all I care time can stand still

Load Of The Shugyo
(Musical Interlude)

hey you there, what gives
you the right to judge
I'll be whoever I want to be
it's my Identity not yours
think twice before you judge
because you are just labeling yourself
as I'm jealous or I'm insecure
a person who stands strong
in their beliefs is my ID ID ID ID
I don't care what anyone thinks
of me because that's my ID ID
tough it out to the end
either gracefully or clumsy
is my ID ID
(End Chorus)
hey you there what's your problem
your just a big bully
so your lonely don't
drag me down to drown
in your problems with you
I don't feel sorry because
you tried to use me
that's my Identity
I don't feel sorry for
people who feel sorry for
themselves because that's my ID ID ID ID
I won't let loneliness get the best
of me because that's my ID ID
I'm not going to help
you because you tried to hurt
me that's my ID ID
I'm not going to have
anything to do with you
because that is my ID ID
I will not right
your wrongs those
are not my problems
it's in my ID ID
(End Chorus)
what I want to be
is how I'm going to be
what I expect of me
is what's expected
I'm going to be myself
that's my Identity
who I am is who
I want to be ID ID ID ID
I won't be anyone else
because that's not my ID ID
I won't even attempt to be
anyone else because it's
not my ID ID
I love who I am
and I am confident in my ID ID
if you don't like me
I suggest you get over
it, I won't change my ID ID
I for one like my ID ID
not that I am bragging
I just am confident in my ID ID
(End Chorus)

Who says I have to follow the Rule
if they think I will they are certainly wrong
right now I'm ready to break the Rule
society better watch out for me
I'm going to stand up against this Rule
whoever put it in place has to be a lunatic
(End Chorus)
I'm not going to run away
I'm going to face this
problem head on
fear isn't in my vocabulary
I'm ready for the fight
Who says I have to follow the Rule
if they think I will they are certainly wrong
right now I'm ready to break the Rule
society better watch out for me
I'm going to stand up against this Rule
whoever put it in place has to be a lunatic
(End Chorus)
whoever would take this
sitting down must be quitters
why should we have to
suffer while others gain?
it's just not fair
I won't lay down and
take it any longer
I must take action
Who says I have to follow the Rule
if they think I will they are certainly wrong
right now I'm ready to break the Rule
society better watch out for me
I'm going to stand up against this Rule
whoever put it in place has to be a lunatic
(End Chorus)
I won't sit here and
watch this any longer
I won't stand
by any longer
people need me now
 I can feel the land 
calling me for help
Who says I have to follow the Rule
if they think I will they are certainly wrong
right now I'm ready to break the Rule
society better watch out for me
I'm going to stand up against this Rule
whoever put it in place has to be a lunatic
(End Chorus)

Love 'N' Hate
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  0
at the end I knew I could dream
at the start I knew I wasn't allowed to
has it always been Love 'N' Hate
at first it's kiss hug kiss
then it's kick curse kick
the saying better to have
loved and lost than never loved at all
isn't always entirely correct
in this Love 'N' Hate relationship
I feel like I'm on the
scales of beautiful life
and painful death
(End Chorus)
sometimes I feel like
I should get out
at others I feel like
I just have to stay
I'm in love
I'm in hate
It's impossible for me
to make up my mind
the saying better to have
loved and lost than never loved at all
isn't always entirely correct
in this Love 'N' Hate relationship
I feel like I'm on the
scales of beautiful life
and painful death
(End Chorus)
is our relationship bittersweet
not even close
is our relationship perfect
it's far from that
is our relationship disfunctional
I'm not for sure about that either
we were built on Love 'N' Hate
the saying better to have
loved and lost than never loved at all
isn't always entirely correct
in this Love 'N' Hate relationship
I feel like I'm on the
scales of beautiful life
and painful death
(End Chorus)

Pieces Of Seven
(Musical Interlude)

if you knew that I feel
that each day I am with you
is a blessing to me
you would laugh at me
I can't help that is how I feel
if it makes you upset
please forgive me
I could love you
forever if you will allow me to
sometimes I call you for
no apparent reason
just to hear that sweet voice
and when I see you
I just want you to wrap
those arms around me
I can't help it
I'm under your spell
could we stay like this for DAYS
(End Chorus)
when I'm with you
I feel like we float
on our own little
cloud high in the sky
you make me feel special
I hope I can return those
feelings to you
I'm glad we have tons of time to ourself
even when other people are around
I could love you
forever if you will allow me to
sometimes I call you for
no apparent reason
just to hear that sweet voice
and when I see you
I just want you to wrap
those arms around me
I can't help it
I'm under your spell
could we stay like this for DAYS
(End Chorus)
we didn't have to give
our love a chance
it just happened
it's like no words were
spoken we just looked
at each other and decided
we were in love
I could love you
forever if you will allow me to
sometimes I call you for
no apparent reason
just to hear that sweet voice
and when I see you
I just want you to wrap
those arms around me
I can't help it
I'm under your spell
could we stay like this for DAYS
(End Chorus)

Curtain Call
out in front of a crowd
I am nervous
I only have one song
to sing this one
is for you
out of all the souls
in the crowd I hope it
reaches yours
before they give me
a Curtain Call
I want you to know
how I feel
I love you
and when you call out
to me your voice
sends a chill up my spine
okay stage crew
you can begin my Curtain Call
now I am at peace with myself
(End Chorus)
will you accept my
plea I wonder
or will you just ignore it
you know exactly who you are
or will you just shy away from it
at least, please just accept my
feelings towards you
before they give me
a Curtain Call
I want you to know
how I feel
I love you
and when you call out
to me your voice
sends a chill up my spine
okay stage crew
you can begin my Curtain Call
now I am at peace with myself
(End Chorus)
before they give me
a Curtain Call
I want you to know
how I feel
I love you
and when you call out
to me your voice
sends a chill up my spine
okay stage crew
you can begin my Curtain Call
now I am at peace with myself
(End Chorus)

NEXT LEVEL is named after and samples Ayumi Hamasaki's album of the same name. I hope everyone enjoys it! TOMORROW!!! I will be release the first single off of my second original lyrics album! It is called TABOO/Free & Honest! I can't wait!


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