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2. Traveling
3. Let's Be Happy
5. Letters
6. Play Ball
7. Tokyo NIGHTS
8. A.S.A.P.
9. The Dubious I Love You
11. Bridge (Interlude)
12. Light (Take 2 Version)

can you believe it?
it's finally spring
but there is some heartbreak
why did you tell me this
now all I can see is
their lives were small enough already
your news has made me wilt
we were in love
you broke my heart first
and now I will get you back
with the CHERRY BLOSSOM Drops
as my witness
(end chorus)
maybe I messed up
one too many times
maybe you weren't supportive
enough was our relationship
even worth it?
I know now that we
had terrible communication
but was that the only thing we lacked?
was it enough to break us up?
can you believe it?
it's finally spring
but there is some heartbreak
why did you tell me this
now all I can see is
their lives were small enough already
your news has made me wilt
we were in love
you broke my heart first
and now I will get you back
with the CHERRY BLOSSOM Drops
as my witness
(end chorus)
honestly, should we have broken up
we should have stayed strong
like a cherry tree
in my opinion
but that is my view on things
and yours is just the opposite
maybe we could have done
things drastically different
but would it have changed our outcome
can you believe it?
it's finally spring
but there is some heartbreak
why did you tell me this
now all I can see is
their lives were small enough already
your news has made me wilt
we were in love
you broke my heart first
and now I will get you back
with the CHERRY BLOSSOM Drops
as my witness
(end chorus)
should I have changed?
(music break)
I loved you for who you are
(music break)
I'm going to be who I am
(music break)
maybe this was for the best
can you believe it?
it's finally spring
but there is some heartbreak
why did you tell me this
now all I can see is
their lives were small enough already
your news has made me wilt
we were in love
you broke my heart first
and now I will get you back
with the CHERRY BLOSSOM Drops
as my witness
(end chorus)

come on yeah
hmm hmm
what are you doing tonight?
let's go for a ride
let's travel let's travel
let's travel let's travel
let's travel let's travel
step on the gas
I want to get there fast
let's take a train
or a bus just
as long as we are on the go
I'm very happy
Traveling Traveling
we are on the move
Traveling sight seeing Traveling
take a picture of me
next to this landmark
Traveling in a car Traveling
we've got the top down
hold onto the map
Traveling what a vacation Traveling
we're in Hawaii let's go
for a swim
I for one love
to travel our flight
leaves at 2
let's head for the airport
(end chorus)
let's travel let's travel
let's travel let's travel
let's travel let's travel
if we are on a cruise
let's stop at all
of the islands
we'll meet new people
see a different way of life
don't forget about taking pictures
let's sail across the world
if you don't want to sail let's fly
Traveling Traveling
we are on the move
Traveling sight seeing Traveling
take a picture of me
next to this landmark
Traveling in a car Traveling
we've got the top down
hold onto the map
Traveling what a vacation Traveling
we're in Hawaii let's go
for a swim
I for one love
to travel our flight
leaves at 2
let's head for the airport
(end chorus)
pack up your suit case
tell everyone good bye
but we will be back
you'll get a post card
in a few days
next stop... everywhere
don't leave a corner
of this world unmapped
I couldn't imagine
going anywhere with
anyone but you
Traveling Traveling
we are on the move
Traveling sight seeing Traveling
take a picture of me
next to this landmark
Traveling in a car Traveling
we've got the top down
hold onto the map
Traveling what a vacation Traveling
we're in Hawaii let's go
for a swim
I for one love
to travel our flight
leaves at 2
let's head for the airport
(end chorus)
Traveling can you take me up
Traveling can you keep up
Traveling you are quite good

Let's Be Happy
take a picture of the

smile on your face
so when you look at
it, it will last longer
glue your happiness
on you so you never
misplace it
pick your happy up
in a pail and carry it
across the globe
there, now you will
always be happy
even when it's cloudy
and about to rain
give me a call
so I can be there
Let's Be Happy
right now just you and me
(end chorus)
when you are down
and you just feel like
laying in the bed
open your curtains
sunshine will greet you
immediatly why would
you want to stay in
bed all day with that
glorious light outside?
pick your happy up
in a pail and carry it
across the globe
there, now you will
always be happy
even when it's cloudy
and about to rain
give me a call
so I can be there
Let's Be Happy
right now just you and me
(end chorus)
(music break)
happy I'm going to
be happy why
wouldn't you want to be
happy I will never understand
please return that smile
to that empty place on your face
pick your happy up
in a pail and carry it
across the globe
there, now you will
always be happy
even when it's cloudy
and about to rain
give me a call
so I can be there
Let's Be Happy
right now just you and me
(end chorus)
do you really really want
to see a brighter day
then look this way at me
do you really want
to stay unhappy
another day then go ahead
but not me

a river wide
and a valley low
surrounded by mountains up high
like a real life obstacle
how do you get through it?
I know I have my problems
and I know I can overcome them
but sometimes it's hard
oh oh how do I cross
this DEEP RIVER without
getting wet maybe I should
just do it and not complain
the current is so strong
It's impossible to swim
will you be my boat
and help me across this DEEP RIVER
that's why that's why I chose you
(end chorus)
you know how to help
me better than anyone
my closest dearest friend
on the face of this earth
I need you now more than ever
oh oh how do I cross
this DEEP RIVER without
getting wet maybe I should
just do it and not complain
the current is so strong
It's impossible to swim
will you be my boat
and help me across this DEEP RIVER
oh oh help me paddle
across this puddle of
destruction this may seem
small to you but to me
the world is on my shoulders
oh oh help to keep me on course
we are almost there to
the other side this
DEEP RIVER won't get
the best of me anymore
I'm tired of all the
depression thank you
my special friend
(end chorus)
I appreciated all that
you do for me
one day I will return
the sacrifice to you
I promise and my
word is good you
know that already don't you?
when you need me I
will do all that I can
and more to help
oh oh how do I cross
this DEEP RIVER without
getting wet maybe I should
just do it and not complain
the current is so strong
It's impossible to swim
will you be my boat
and help me across this DEEP RIVER
oh oh help me paddle
across this puddle of
destruction this may seem
small to you but to me
the world is on my shoulders
oh oh help to keep me on course
we are almost there to
the other side this
DEEP RIVER won't get
the best of me anymore
I'm tired of all the
depression thank you
my special friend
(end chorus)

all the Letters I
write to you keep on
coming back why is that?
Did you really not want
to talk to me anymore?
every time I see a "return
to sender" sticker on my
letter I want to cry
please answer my Letters
even if you just write
a sentence or two would
be okay with me
it is enough to make me smile
please read my Letters
my feelings for you are in there
there is a lot written there
but you can just skim over it
that's enough to make me smile
you don't have to keep my Letters
I know the pain is still to deep
each one is an apology
I am very very sorry
please think about me when you get one
that's enough to make me smile
(end chorus)
I realize that you are busy
but just know that
I can wait for a reply
I'll wait as long as it takes
but I beg of you
don't leave me waiting forever
for something that will never come
please answer my Letters
even if you just write
a sentence or two would
be okay with me
it is enough to make me smile
please read my Letters
my feelings for you are in there
there is a lot written there
but you can just skim over it
that's enough to make me smile
you don't have to keep my Letters
I know the pain is still to deep
each one is an apology
I am very very sorry
please think about me when you get one
that's enough to make me smile
(end chorus)
I have written on a letter
thank you for taking the time
to read this I hope
it has made you smile
I hope to hear back from
you and I want you
to know that I am truly sorry
I hope you will forgive me someday
please answer my Letters
even if you just write
a sentence or two would
be okay with me
it is enough to make me smile
please read my Letters
my feelings for you are in there
there is a lot written there
but you can just skim over it
that's enough to make me smile
you don't have to keep my Letters
I know the pain is still to deep
each one is an apology
I am very very sorry
please think about me when you get one
that's enough to make me smile
(end chorus)

Play Ball
it seems like you've just
given up all of a sudden
well if you have
you can't stick
around here anymore
it's either you leave or you make it happen
sounds like Play Ball come on
to answer your question
yes I love you
and I'm throwing my heart at you
please don't be sad anymore
the only way I know
to make you stronger
is tough love
will that work?
Play Ball to answer you question
yes I love your
and I'm throwing my heart at you
(end chorus)
get up baby there
are things to be done
I don't want to seem weak
but I need you
I need your love to survive
what ever is happening to you
I will love you through it
sounds like Play Ball come on
to answer your question
yes I love you
and I'm throwing my heart at you
please don't be sad anymore
the only way I know
to make you stronger
is tough love
will that work?
Play Ball to answer you question
yes I love your
and I'm throwing my heart at you
(end chorus)
sounds like Play Ball come on
to answer your question
yes I love you
and I'm throwing my heart at you
please don't be sad anymore
the only way I know
to make you stronger
is tough love
will that work?
Play Ball to answer you question
yes I love your
and I'm throwing my heart at you
(end chorus)

it's night time
and we are in the city
what do you want to do
the possibilities are endless
want to ride in your car
hit the clubs or go shopping?
(Tokyo nights)
the best nights of all
full of fun and beauty
if it's loving that you want
it's hard to find
because we are having a good time
you don't want it to stop right?
(Tokyo nights)
I'm laughing so
hard I could cry
this is so great
let's do it all
let's see it all
this is an endless possibility night
(end chorus)
if I was doing this alone
it would be fun
but something would be
missing and that
is my faithful friends
I enjoy seeing the smiles
on their faces
it makes me smile too
(Tokyo nights)
baby what's my price
don't put a price on my love
if it's loving that you want
it's hard to find
because we are having a good time
you don't want it to stop right?
(Tokyo nights)
sleepless nights
I could cry
this is so great
let's do it all
let's see it all
this is an endless possibility night
(end chorus)
don't make me wish
that this night would end
I just want to be here
with all of my
closest friends that I love
with all my heart
from the bottom of my heart
(Tokyo nights)
the best nights of all
full of fun and beauty
if it's loving that you want
it's hard to find
because we are having a good time
you don't want it to stop right?
(Tokyo nights)
I'm laughing so
hard I could cry
this is so great
let's do it all
let's see it all
this is an endless possibility night
(end chorus)
lonely nights that
say goodbye I need you
lonely nights
it's so nice to meet you

As Soon As Possible
As Soon As Possible
I want you here now
better get here quick
need you here
please hurry
go faster I want to see you now
you don't know how bad
pass a few people
run them over for all I care
I want to kiss those
lips right now
they are as sweet as sugar
I've got to have them
can you believe me tonight
I want you here right now
take it or leave it tonight
oh yeah
wait for me
so help me
(End Chorus)
even if you have to get here
by bus car train plane
horse bike roller skates
I don't care
just get here soon
the door will be unlocked
just hurry on it
I'll be waiting
pass a few people
run them over for all I care
I want to kiss those
lips right now
they are as sweet as sugar
I've got to have them
can you believe me tonight
I want you here right now
take it or leave it tonight
oh yeah
wait for me
so help me
(End Chorus)
As Soon As Possible
I need you right now
need you right away
great your almost here
I can feel you
getting closer to me
As Soon As Possible
As Soon As Possible
pass a few people
run them over for all I care
I want to kiss those
lips right now
they are as sweet as sugar
I've got to have them
can you believe me tonight
I want you here right now
take it or leave it tonight
oh yeah
wait for me
so help me
(End Chorus)

The Dubious I Love You
you don't know
how I feel about you
I may be mean to you
sometimes but the truth
is I really have deep
love for you
word on the street
is you love me too
I'll write a word on the street
I love you too
all of a sudden out
of no where
The Dubious I Love You
pops up but this time
I don't feel nervous
this time I'll embrace it
just like I'll embrace you
let's start all over
with The Dubious I Love You
because I do
I love you
I'll try not to act so
loveless anymore
as long as you love me
that's all that matters to me
(End Chorus)
I see a bright love life
for you and me now
some straw hats
a few umbrella drinks
and a beach somewhere
in the carribean
let's just go ahead
and get married
all of a sudden out
of no where
The Dubious I Love You
pops up but this time
I don't feel nervous
this time I'll embrace it
just like I'll embrace you
let's start all over
with The Dubious I Love You
because I do
I love you
I'll try not to act so
loveless anymore
as long as you love me
that's all that matters to me
(End Chorus)
and to think all of this
started with a I love you
out of the great blue
but I'm happy for it
I welcome it
I love you too
all of a sudden out
of no where
The Dubious I Love You
pops up but this time
I don't feel nervous
this time I'll embrace it
just like I'll embrace you
let's start all over
with The Dubious I Love You
because I do
I love you
I'll try not to act so
loveless anymore
as long as you love me
that's all that matters to me
(End Chorus)

(music break with ha's)
I know where you are
I know that you are far
no matter how many
miles are between us
I know that our love
grows strong with each
minute that you are apart me
but I can't help it
I want to be with you now
I don't want this to be the FINAL DISTANCE
I want to see you again
I understand that you are not here
anymore but I still cry
and I still miss you
I miss seeing that face everyday
and listening to your voice
and touching you
I want to be with you now
I don't want this to be the FINAL DISTANCE
I want to see you again right now
we can start over
once I get to heaven
I miss seeing your face everyday
and listening to your sweet voice
and touching your hand
(end chorus)
I know that you can't
help that we are apart
but I won't say goodbye
I'll just say till we meet again
it makes me feel a little better
don't forget me please
I can't wait to see you with God

I want to be with you now
I don't want this to be the FINAL DISTANCE
I want to see you again
I understand that you are not here
anymore but I still cry
and I still miss you
I miss seeing that face everyday
and listening to your voice
and touching you
I want to be with you now
I don't want this to be the FINAL DISTANCE
I want to see you again right now
we can start over
once I get to heaven
I miss seeing your face everyday
and listening to your sweet voice
and touching your hand
(end chorus)
I want to be with you
I know we will meet
again someday but
I can't imagine living
life without the most
important person in it
this can't be forever
we should be together
I want to be with you

I want to be with you now
I don't want this to be the FINAL DISTANCE
I want to see you again
I understand that you are not here
anymore but I still cry
and I still miss you
I miss seeing that face everyday
and listening to your voice
and touching you
I want to be with you now
I don't want this to be the FINAL DISTANCE
I want to see you again right now
we can start over
once I get to heaven
I miss seeing your face everyday
and listening to your sweet voice
and touching your hand
(end chorus)

Bridge (Interlude)

Light (Take 2 Version)
Don't be afraid
I'll show you the way
into the Light
hold my hand tight
and let's go
I won't ask for nothing in
return just as long
as your with me
I can feel the warm Light
(End Chorus)
If you can't find
your way into the Light
I will assist you
I think you should
be in this paradise too
you shouldn't feel left out
everyone you know and love
is here let's go
Don't be afraid
I'll show you the way
into the Light
hold my hand tight
and let's go
I won't ask for nothing in
return just as long
as your with me
I can feel the warm Light
(End Chorus)
do you feel the peace
do you feel the warmth
doesn't the light make
you want to do good
I wish everyone could
experience this feeling
let's stay like this forever
Don't be afraid
I'll show you the way
into the Light
hold my hand tight
and let's go
I won't ask for nothing in
return just as long
as your with me
I can feel the warm Light
(End Chorus)
grab my hand let's go
on this blessed journey of Light
I'll guide you there
I'm glad that you are
enjoying all of the love
it's all for you
let's all be happy together
Don't be afraid
I'll show you the way
into the Light
hold my hand tight
and let's go
I won't ask for nothing in
return just as long
as your with me
I can feel the warm Light
all of this makes
up the definition of good
you can't and will
never find anything better than this
all of the love
all of the Light
let's stay like this forever
(End Chorus)

I hope everyone likes DEEP RIVER I'm going to have some more albums coming up soon!!! All of the tracks get their name from and sample Utada Hikaru's DEEP RIVER. I'm going to write a follow-up to Music Of The Moon too soon. I'm just getting my ideas together. Anyway, I hope everyone likes DEEP RIVER!!!


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