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1. Savior
2. Blessings
3. Pray
4. In the Church
5. How Great Thou Art
6. Jesus Loves Me/I Love Jesus
7. As I Am
8. I Can Hear His Voice Calling Me
9. Virtue
10. Prayer
11. God's Glory
12. Long Live

(verse 1)
dear Heavenly Father
I thank you for today
and everyday as always
but I need you now more than ever

help me to smile
even when I want to cry
I know God helps me
and He wants me to try
so I try

walk with me as I walk with Him
today's a new day
and tonight when I pray
I'll ask for happiness
without a pinch of sadness
to fall down from heaven
my savior will never let me down
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
I was lost and then found again
sometimes I stray from the path
but I always know He will help me win
I will never give up on that power
because in His light I will shower

walk with me as I walk with Him
today's a new day
and tonight when I pray
I'll ask for happiness
without a pinch of sadness
to fall down from heaven
my savior will never let me down
(end chorus)

help me to smile
even when I want to cry
I know God helps me
and He wants me to try
so I try

walk with me as I walk with Him
today's a new day
and tonight when I pray
I'll ask for happiness
without a pinch of sadness
to fall down from heaven
my savior will never let me down
walk with me as I walk with Him
today's a new day
and tonight when I pray
I'll ask for happiness
without a pinch of sadness
to fall down from heaven
my savior will never let me down
(end chorus)

(verse 1)
have joy and don't let anyone
ever take it from you
take me to the King
so I can give him my offering
my heart is torn to pieces
I want to receive His blessings

God, I'm hurt and abused
these past three years have left me bruised
but still my soul
belongs to you
just your good will
will make my tears be still

and so for my King
this song I will sing
with hopes to inspire
may you have in yourself
an eternal fire
have joy and don't let anyone
ever take it from you
take me to the King
so I can give him my offering
my heart is torn to pieces
I want to receive His blessings
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
and so with my religion
it is my decision
that through faith I will find belief
that one day I will meet those I love
at the golden throne

and so for my King
this song I will sing
with hopes to inspire
may you have in yourself
an eternal fire
have joy and don't let anyone
ever take it from you
take me to the King
so I can give him my offering
my heart is torn to pieces
I want to receive His blessings
(end chorus)

and so my brother and sisters
let's bathe in His glory
he gives us everyday
just waking up
is a plan that's a part of His story

and so for my King
this song I will sing
with hopes to inspire
may you have in yourself
an eternal fire
have joy and don't let anyone
ever take it from you
take me to the King
so I can give him my offering
my heart is torn to pieces
I want to receive His blessings
(end chorus)

because I'm tired of running
because I don't want to wonder
why I'm not gone
because I've been here in this darkness
for way too long
God, please be my friend
and forgive me of this sin
when all hope is lost
here's what I will do today
I will pray, I will pray
getting myself together
I will pray, I will pray
until I get better
(end chorus)

(verse 1)
God hasn't called me home yet
but His voice still reaches me
Lord, please see me through till the end
lead me through every twist and bend
and when I cry out through the silence
I know you will give me your love

because I'm tired of running
because I don't want to wonder
why I'm not gone
because I've been here in this darkness
for way too long
God, please be my friend
and forgive me of this sin
when all hope is lost
here's what I will do today
I will pray, I will pray
getting myself together
I will pray, I will pray
until I get better
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
because He walks over the earth
searching for desperate hearts
He picks those up who are lost
and puts them back together from parts

because I'm tired of running
because I don't want to wonder
why I'm not gone
because I've been here in this darkness
for way too long
God, please be my friend
and forgive me of this sin
when all hope is lost
here's what I will do today
(end chorus)

because I'm tired of running
because I don't want to wonder
why I'm not gone
because I've been here in this darkness
for way too long
God, please be my friend
and forgive me of this sin
when all hope is lost
here's what I will do today
I will pray, I will pray
getting myself together
I will pray, I will pray
until I get better
(end chorus)

In the Church
(verse 1)
I know where I belong
I know where my family is
I know where my friends want me to be

they want me in the church
God wants me in the church
He wants me in the church
He wants me in His hands
this is where I belong
and my prayers have been answered
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
you should know this is where you belong
you know this where your family is
this is where your friends want you to be

they want you in the church
God wants you in the church
He wants you in the church
He wants you in His hands
this is where you belong
and your prayers can be answered
(end chorus)

now we know where we belong
we know this is where our family is
this is where our friends want us to be

they want us in the church
God wants us in the church
He wants us in the church
He wants us in His hands
this is where we belong
and our prayers can finally be answered
(end chorus)

How Great Thou Art
(verse 1)
hallelujah, hallelujah
hallelujah, hallelujah
hallelujah, hallelujah
I just want to sing
about how great my God is

then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
how great Thou art, how great Thou art
then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
how great Thou art, how great Thou art
then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
how great Thou art, how great Thou art
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
Oh Lord, my God
When I, in awesome wonder
consider all the worlds
Thy hands have made
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout the universe displayed
Oh Lord, my God

then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
how great Thou art, how great Thou art
then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
how great Thou art, how great Thou art
then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
how great Thou art, how great Thou art
(end chorus)

(verse 3)
when Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation
and take me home, what joy shall fill my heart
then I shall bow, in humble adoration
and then proclaim, my God, how great Thou art

then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
how great Thou art, how great Thou art
then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
how great Thou art, how great Thou art
then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
how great Thou art, how great Thou art
(end chorus)

Jesus Loves Me/I Love Jesus
(verse 1)
  1. Jesus loves me this I know
    for the Bible tells me so 
  2. little ones to Him belong;
    they are weak, but He is strong.

  3. (chorus)
    yes, Jesus loves me
    yes, Jesus loves me
    yes, Jesus loves me
    the Bible tells me so
    (end chorus)

  4. (verse 2)
    Jesus loves me this I know,
    as He loved so long ago,
    taking children on His knee,
    saying, “let them come to Me.”

  5. (verse 3)
    Jesus loves me still today,
    Walking with me on my way,
    Wanting as a friend to give
    Light and love to all who live.

  6. (verse 4)
    Jesus loves me! He who died
    Heaven’s gate to open wide;
    He will wash away my sin,
    Let His little child come in.

  7. (verse 5)
    Jesus loves me! He will stay
    Close beside me all the way;
    Thou hast bled and died for me,
    I will henceforth live for Thee.

(verse 6)
I love Jesus, this I know
I read my Bible dearly so
this little one to Him I belong
I am weak, but He is strong

yes, I love Jesus
yes, I love Jesus
yes, I love Jesus
I read my Bible so
(end chorus)

yes, Jesus loves me
yes, Jesus loves me
yes, Jesus loves me
the Bible tells me so
(end chorus)

As I Am
come as you are
he takes me as I am
he'll take you too
come as you are
he takes me as I am
through the power of God
there's no reason to be blue
(end chorus)

(verse 1)
it doesn't matter to Him
if you're in rags
of if you're in riches
He wants to see you in his loving church
don't suffer anymore
just go to Him and pray

come as you are
he takes me as I am
he'll take you too
come as you are
he takes me as I am
through the power of God
there's no reason to be blue
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
there's no reason to be afraid
He will love you anyway
as long as I'm here, I will stay
in this place filled with love and joy

come as you are
he takes me as I am
he'll take you too
come as you are
he takes me as I am
through the power of God
there's no reason to be blue
(end chorus)

come as you are
he takes me as I am
he'll take you too
come as you are
he takes me as I am
through the power of God
there's no reason to be blue
(end chorus)

I Can Hear His Voice Calling Me
(verse 1)
there are days when I don't feel strong
and there are days
when I feel I don't belong
but then all I got to do
is pray for God to send me a way

I can hear his voice calling me
suddenly, I feel set free
I can hear his voice calling me
gently, I know what I can be
I can hear his voice calling me
opening my eyes, I can see
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
when I need inspiration
I read my Bible
it reminds me of my devotion
I want to pray at my table
and be washed clean in His blood

I can hear his voice calling me
suddenly, I feel set free
I can hear his voice calling me
gently, I know what I can be
I can hear his voice calling me
opening my eyes, I can see
(end chorus)

I can hear his voice calling me
suddenly, I feel set free
I can hear his voice calling me
gently, I know what I can be
I can hear his voice calling me
opening my eyes, I can see
(end chorus)

(verse 1)
God, give me patience
God, give me love
God, please cast hatred from my heart
help me to conquer my fears
help me to shed no more tears
give me the power to say no to sinful temptation

God, give me patience
God, give me love
God, please cast hatred from my heart
God, give me virtues
God, give me peace
God, give me a restful sleep
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
God, I ask for your help
God, I ask for your guidance
God, I ask for your wisdom
help me to overcome mountains
help me to cross rivers and oceans
give me the power to live as you want me to

God, give me patience
God, give me love
God, please cast hatred from my heart
God, give me virtues
God, give me peace
God, give me a restful sleep
God, give me patience
God, give me love
God, please cast hatred from my heart
God, give me virtues
God, give me peace
God, give me a restful sleep
(end chorus)

there's power in prayer
so walk with me
God's put the plan into motion
someday, clearly you will see
through prayer there's power
be what He wants you to be
there's golden blessings in salvation
(end chorus)

(verse 1)
when you need someone to depend on
God's got your back
and when the burden is too heavy
He'll pick up the slack

so when times seem bleak
don't you cry
just look up and send a prayer up to the sky

there's power in prayer
so walk with me
God's put the plan into motion
someday, clearly you will see
through prayer there's power
be what He wants you to be
there's golden blessings in salvation
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
when you are lost on your way
look to the Holy Trinity
and when things are looking dark
God will help you find serenity

so when times seem bleak
don't you cry
just look up and send a prayer up to the sky

there's power in prayer
so walk with me
God's put the plan into motion
someday, clearly you will see
through prayer there's power
be what He wants you to be
there's golden blessings in salvation
(end chorus)

congregation sing it with me now

there's power in prayer
so walk with me
God's put the plan into motion
someday, clearly you will see
through prayer there's power
be what He wants you to be
there's golden blessings in salvation
(end chorus)

God's Glory
long live His powerful reign
bask in the wonder of the golden gates
walk in the light of this well-written example
in the good book
for the right answers, it's where we look
in this fine creation
looking to the final destination
in all of this green
we live because of God's glory
(end chorus)

(verse 1)
those we love, we'll meet again, surely
smiling and laughing
with our Lord and Savior
for all eternity
for his is all knowing and loving
our Lord and Savior
who is all mighty

long live His powerful reign
bask in the wonder of the golden gates
walk in the light of this well-written example
in the good book
for the right answers, it's where we look
in this fine creation
looking to the final destination
in all of this green
we live because of God's glory
He told us how to find happiness
all through His story
through knowing Him, we don't know loneliness
we know love because of God's glory
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
there will be no more sorrow
we found eternal life through rebirth
with our Lord and Savior
who created us and cherishes
with heavenly hands created Earth
with our Lord and Savior
makes sure the light never perishes

long live His powerful reign
bask in the wonder of the golden gates
walk in the light of this well-written example
in the good book
for the right answers, it's where we look
in this fine creation
looking to the final destination
in all of this green
we live because of God's glory
He told us how to find happiness
all through His story
through knowing Him, we don't know loneliness
we know love because of God's glory
(end chorus)

with our Lord and Savior
who created us and cherishes
with heavenly hands created Earth
with our Lord and Savior
makes sure the light never perishes
with our Lord and Savior
for all eternity
for his is all knowing and loving
our Lord and Savior
who is all mighty

long live His powerful reign
bask in the wonder of the golden gates
walk in the light of this well-written example
in the good book
for the right answers, it's where we look
in this fine creation
looking to the final destination
in all of this green
we live because of God's glory
He told us how to find happiness
all through His story
through knowing Him, we don't know loneliness
we know love because of God's glory
(end chorus)

Long Live
(verse 1)
may His will never die
may all the children know
His splendor and light
the kingdom of heaven
that awaits us all
never lose sight
He keeps you strong and tall

long live our Heavenly King
long live our Father
who loves and protects us
we are the sheep and He is the Shepard
He who sent us Jesus
let us be forever paired
our hands held with the King
long live our God
long live our Savior
long live our dearest Father
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
it's because we have faith
in our all-knowing creator
we don't want to face evil wraith
so we follow our loving Savior
he promised us never-ending joy
it awaits us all
with the faith we employ
we stay strong and stay tall

long live our Heavenly King
long live our Father
who loves and protects us
we are the sheep and He is the Shepard
He who sent us Jesus
let us be forever paired
our hands held with the King
long live our God
long live our Savior
long live our dearest Father
(end chorus)

in those dark days
let Him be the light
in those unforgiving times
let Him heal your plight
long live our one and only God

long live our Heavenly King
long live our Father
who loves and protects us
we are the sheep and He is the Shepard
He who sent us Jesus
let us be forever paired
our hands held with the King
long live our God
long live our Savior
long live our dearest Father
(end chorus)


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