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A Song For XX

A Song For XX
1. Prologue
2. A Song For XX
3. Hana
4. Friend
5. Friend II
6. Poker Face
7. Wishing
8. YOU
9. As If...
10. Powder Snow
11. Trust
12. Depend On You
14. From Your Letter
15. For My Dear...
16. Present

(verse 1)
I could have said I love you
but it's not what's important
I have a lot on my mind right now
but yes, it's loneliness

A Song For XX
(verse 1)
what do I do?
I am crying too much
what do I do?
why did I stop in place?
what do I do?
please let me know
when I will grow up
how long can I
stay just a child?
where have I come running to?
where am I running from?
where is that place
I wonder

I had no place to live
I couldn't find a single one
there was no hope for a bright future
because I was unsure
because it was scary

they always said I was a strong child
they praised me saying things like
"you must be strong, and so little one, do not cry"
so I didn't want those words at all
and so I pretended not to understand them at all
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
what do I do?
why are you laughing?
what do I do?
why are you by my side?
what do I do?
why are you leaving me alone?
please tell me
when did you become someone so strong?
since when have you felt a single weakness?
how long must you wait
for the day you understand to come?

the sun is rising very soon
and so I must leave this place again
I cannot stay in one spot forever and ever

your trust in the people you know
will someday betray you
I thought it was the same as
being rejected, at that time
I didn't have that kind of strength I needed, and so
I definitely knew too many things
(end chorus)

they always said I was a strong child
they praised me saying things like
"you must be strong, and so little one, do not cry"
so I didn't want those words at all
and so I pretended not to understand them at all
(end chorus)

(verse 3)
I was born alone
I'll go on living all alone
I thought that kind of life
was right for me
but I soon found out
maybe it wasn't the way I originally thought
la la la la la la la la la

la la la la la la la la

(verse 1)
for instance if right now
I suddenly ran away
would you search for me?
until I am found
is it okay
to simply wait
and believe people are kind

I've been tricked before
once, twice, too many times
are we really like flowers?

becoming an adult
or staying an innocent child
which one is worse in the long run?
let's stop asking those questions
and become something new
if you bloom
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
while you truly know
you'll wither eventually
you are loved
still beautifully
what kind of bravery
do you really need
to grow strong, tall, and pretty?

our distinct color
will it show or hide in the wind?
I wonder
what will happen so soon

becoming an adult
or staying an innocent child
which one is worse in the long run?
let's stop asking those questions
and become something new
if you bloom
(end chorus)

while you know that your
petals will scatter sometime in the future
even if you're stepped on you're still proud
what kind of strength
do you need to grow strong and tall?
do you have everything you need?
(end chorus)

looking back at those past days
or having hope for a sunny tomorrow
which one will leave scary scars?
let's stop asking those questions
and become something new
if you bloom
(end chorus)

(verse 1)
when I scrap my knee
I know that you'll be there to laugh and help
when I have a secret to tell
you'll let it weigh on your heart too

more and more, we spend time together
we know everything about each other
but I still get lonely
and you still help ease my mind
for that I'm eternally grateful

my precious, my one and only
my special best friend
let's be close forever
my lovely, my spectacular
the person that I trust
we have fun
and we have something special
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
it's a miracle that I found you
I was starting to think
that I'd go on living life alone
without someone to count on
together we mess up and triumph
we see a nice balance of both, right?

let's keep going on this path
to see where we end up in the sun

my trustworthy, my one and only
my super best friend
we've found something great
there's not too many like us
it's real, it's not fake
we'll be friends forever
even if we don't talk
or if we stay beside each other
(end chorus)

my precious, my one and only
my special best friend
let's be close forever
my lovely, my spectacular
the person that I trust
we have fun
and we have something special

(end chorus)

my trustworthy, my one and only
my super best friend
we've found something great
there's not too many like us
it's real, it's not fake
we'll be friends forever
even if we don't talk
or if we stay beside each other

(end chorus)

Friend II
(verse 1)
you severed the tie
that kept us together
I've never hurt
but this pain is unbearable
you were precious to me
now you're breakable and disposable

really, I thought we'd see it through to the end
then life became unbearable
I no longer want to talk to you
we throw knives at our backs

if you wanted to end things
you could have just said so with words
instead of actions

so we've reached an impasse
no fixing what's been cracked
I don't want to turn back time,
person I used to call a friend
you don't want to pick up the pieces
I'm sorry
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
maybe things would have been different
if I admitted my faults first
but my pride, foolish pride
won't let go
so they turn to me
and blame me for everything

but till the day I no longer think of you
I'll wonder badly about your wellbeing
because I'm a person too

really, I hope you get hurt bad
you let me know loud and clear
that you hope I break a leg
and never get up again
person I used to call a friend,
this is the end
(end chorus)

I'll find happiness with another
this trauma brings me closer to other people
who may really care

so we've reached an impasse
no fixing what's been cracked
I don't want to turn back time,
person I used to call a friend
you don't want to pick up the pieces
go on, get out of here

(end chorus)

Poker Face
it's always so
simple I could cry
but I want to smile
I want your love
forever and for always
(end chorus)

(verse 1)
my true form begins to dim little by little
from inside I push the surging crowd
to the side, is everything meaningless?
as long as I can't get answers
I've been searching for
the better I get at telling lies
the more I feel afraid of emptiness

it's always so
simple I could cry

but I want to smile
if I become stronger
I'll forget even your kindness
I want your love
so I want to stay weak forevermore
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
people are always and will always be
solitary beings
so I need someone to lean on in my life
I want to be supported
I want to be supporting
nothing is certain
but in my heart I believe

I don't want to rush
but I want to hurry
the truth is out there for me not to lose

if a precious thing is found
let's protect it to the end
if I hit a wall that's too high
I'll get hurt, but I'll stand and not be low
I don't wish for anything else
that one thing is enough
all that I could want
is right here next to me
I let the words leave my lips
listen it's only a whisper
I only want your love
(end chorus)

(verse 1)
today I grew a thought of nostalgia
the past meant so much more to me
I'm no longer the same person I was there
in fact, I think I've gotten worse

you know me better than anyone else
but these days I don't feel love at all
everything was better at that time
I think to myself as tears roll down my cheek

if only, I could go back
I'd never take my youth for granted again
I'd smile brighter
I'd love deeper
I wouldn't make bad decision

wishing for something I can't have
like a fool that only says sorry
why was I so blind at that time?
wishing for something long gone
I had everything I could've wanted
I'd listen to everything I had been told
happiness would still be with everyone
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
always keep the faith
I tell myself
but it's hard when I'm sad
I read my diary from then
and I realize
things weren't as bad as I realized

really, I want to stop time
at the time when I had friends and family
we would all get along
and not complain at all

wishing for an old time selfishly
protecting memories that are golden to me
trying to stop time like a fool
I should just let it flow like a river

(end chorus)

(verse 3)
I should make more of an effort
to change things for the better
I tell people the future is bright
but at least not for me

(verse 1)
your face is more beautiful when you are sad
I could not say even one word
when I noticed, you had brimmed over with shining tears
that must have hurt much more than I first thought
I'm so tired of days
smiles fade and people come and go
keep yourself busy
that's what they all say
I did not notice you, I'm sorry

the spring wind rolls by and by again
it draws a far off dear dream that I know so well
the break in the summer clouds disappears once again
it was so sad
the autumn sky is painful
the winter sea is cold
both of these things are dreary and wondrous
the more I fall into a trance
the more time passes me by
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
many events have
slipped right by
and you, here, now like you should be
I'm proud of you, always
just remember my words
people are not memories
that you can put into words
they live, they thrive, they drive, and they dive
holding onto their feelings
everything doesn't fall into place
but sometimes it does

sometimes you take
the roundabout way
and get tired
but the place I finally get to
is just by your side
and my heart is healed
I want to be that kind of support someday
sometimes I take
the roundabout way
and get tired
just like everyone else does
but the place you come to
is by my side
and your heart is healed
(end chorus)

the spring wind rolls by and by again
it draws a far off dear dream that I know so well
the break in the summer clouds disappears once again
it was so sad
the autumn sky is painful
the winter sea is cold
both of these things are dreary and wondrous
the more I fall into a trance
the more time passes me by
(end chorus)

As If...
sometimes I have to stop
right in my tracks
that I was so confident in
but now I've lost my way
it was strange, it was
(end chorus)

(verse 1)
as if I never existed
is how everyone wants it to be
things were better
before I come along
they don't say it
but I know

it shows on their faces
when I interrupt a precious moment
but that's how I must live
even if I don't want

sometimes I have to stop
right in my tracks
that I was so confident in
but now I've lost my way
it was strange, it was
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
as if I was just another person
people that I have history with
pass me right by
we were better off strangers
than friends
that's how, they want it

maybe it's because I can be cold
but when I try to be warm
a chilling wind reminds my feelings to be numb

sometimes I have to stop
right in my tracks
that I was so confident in
but now I've lost my way
sometimes I have to stop
right in my tracks
that I was so confident in
but now I've lost my way
it was strange, it was
(end chorus)

sometimes I have to stop
right in my tracks
that I was so confident in
but now I've lost my way
it was strange, it was, truly
sometimes I have to go
even if I don't want
so I can stay alive
and find that one person
that truly cares about me too
(end chorus)

da la la la la
da la la la la
la la la
as if I'm not
as if I'm not
even alive
I've just got to go

Powder Snow
(verse 1)
I want to be left alone
I want to escape to a place where no one knows me
that I'm wrong about this, that it's my fault
is all my heart has to keep warm
I don't need tomorrow
I tell myself
and then I feel a little down
I can't go on, I'll freeze at this rate

can I cry as much as I want to?
until my tears wither away in the cold wind
the white powder snow flows and muffles my tears
please help me if you can
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
I don't have even one regret
I've always been living in the present
so that I don't leave even a single trace or footprint
the candle melts down
the light is extinguished
it was so sad
but I don't say a word
I let it happen
no one around to help me
so I beg to God

can I scream at the top of my lungs to the sky?
until my voice withers away
the white powder snow will forgive me for everything
so I can only hope for sure
oh please
(end chorus)

I spread my arms wide
I just want to gather the shining snow
but why oh why
is it so fleeting

can I cry as much as I want to?
until my tears wither away in the cold wind

the white powder snow flows and muffles my tears
can I scream at the top of my lungs to the sky?
until my voice withers away
the white powder snow will forgive me for everything
so I can only hope for sure
can I cry as much as I want to?
until my tears wither away in the cold wind
can I shout loudly?
until my voice withers away
can I cry as much as I want to?
can I scream at the top of my lungs to the sky?
until the snow stops
(end chorus)

(verse 1)
I've never believed in the red thread of fate
I thought fate was something to grab
at an incredible speed it winds all around
I've become tired of this world
even though I've searched
for the hand that will save love
I turn up empty
it makes me dark inside
will it be alright
if I keep going
or should I just stop in place?

I want it to arrive
sometime when
I found myself through you
from that day
I felt like I could
get much stronger
because I can be proud of myself
I don't want to give up
and I waved goodbye
at my troubling past
I've learned for the first time
what is most important
it's trust, it's love, it's sincerity
somewhere far away
my thread ties to fate
will it lead me to where you are or. . .
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
 I feel like I've hurt you
by being lost about being by your side
somewhere I falsely learned something wrong
what true happiness I'll never know
I'm going to stop
paying attention to what others say
that'll be the day
that I'll treasure the most
I want to be by you
but with some certainty and love oh

the eternity
in which I move closer
is something I've never seen but I can wish
if it is us two
I think we can believe all of it
because we're not alone anymore
love doesn't have to end
for everyone or anyone
like a long night finally breaking into dawn
I believe in myself
take one step forward
and I feel like I can go anywhere
(end chorus)

I want it to arrive
sometime when
I found myself through you
from that day
I felt like I could
get much stronger
because I can be proud of myself
I don't want to give up
and I waved goodbye
at my troubling past
I've learned for the first time
what is most important
it's trust, it's love, it's sincerity
somewhere far away
my thread ties to fate
will it lead me to where you are or. . .
(end chorus)

Depend On You
if you were to set out on a journey
when that day comes
because I know it will
let's go together
just the two of us
(end chorus)

(verse 1)
those times when it seems like
you'll reach the goal
you aimed for
have you noticed that it's still far away
exactly how far are we supposed to go
and just what should we do with these endless days?

if you're tired from flying for so long
it's alright to rest your wings awhile
I'll be right here
if you need me that is

if you were to set out on a journey
when that day comes
because I know it will
let's go together
just the two of us

(end chorus)

(verse 2)
do you want to try
believing in a single beam of light
or would you prefer to quiver in the darkness?

if your wings which have flown for so long
can no longer flap
I will take them and warm them for you

there is one person who needs you
and that person who needs you just as well
would always definitely
be smiling by your side
(end chorus)

if you're tired from flying for so long
it's alright to rest your wings awhile
I'll be right here

if you need me that is

someday we'll all
set out on a journey
that day is definitely coming, right?
it's even okay, it's okay
to throw everything else out
as it begins from here
the story of the two of us
is filled with worries and hopes too
(end chorus)

(verse 1)
at last, I caught your attention
I was tired of being alone
your heart beats in sync with mine
it beats just like mine
you have pain in your past

soon we will intertwine
and become one
we'll carry each other's weight
on both of our shoulders

perhaps, you were looking my way
and we happened to notice each other
or maybe you heard my cries for help

my signal waves are sending out
you without a doubt
need someone like me to be by your side
my signal waves like a radio
I want you to be the one who
stays by my side always
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
name me one thing
just a single thing that you can write down
about how you've been sad for all these years

love is confusing
enough is enough of it, right?
we shine when we are with each other

even without a sound
even without a stare
we know how each other feels about it
these emotions have been bottled up
so I sent my signal up
and you replied to me
right now I'm thinking of you
right now do you hear me too
sending out my loneliness
it's all up to you
it's what you want to do
I will be with you always
(end chorus)

perhaps, you were looking my way
and we happened to notice each other
or maybe you heard my cries for help

my signal waves are sending out
you without a doubt
need someone like me to be by your side
my signal waves like a radio
I want you to be the one who
stays by my side always
right now I'm thinking of you
right now do you hear me too
sending out my loneliness
it's all up to you
it's what you want to do

I will be with you always

(end chorus)

From Your Letter
(verse 1)
your eyes shone like never before
your expressions never cease to amaze me
I feel like I know you
yet you are a stranger sometimes
when I wake up tomorrow
will you be there?
or will there be another note
with sweet and sour words?

from your letter that I read
this is what I learned
you love me but you're not in love with me
someday I really hope
we can understand each other
and before it's too late
have honest feelings
even if they have to grow
I will protect them with my life
(end chorus)

(verse 2)
never mind never falling in love
you were my first
I want you to be my last
but before you go
don't lie to me one more time

(verse 3)
if you want to be with me
you have to be honest
first and foremost
I want to be your only one
but you have to
want me too

from your letter that I read
this is what I learned
you love me but you're not in love with me
someday I really hope
we can understand each other
and before it's too late
have honest feelings
even if they have to grow
I will protect them with my life
I'll shield them from the rain
and only have them with you
the more I look at you
the more I like what I see
don't throw it away
let's let it grow
we can protect them forever
(end chorus)

For My Dear...
(verse 1)
I can't say that word
I really want to say the most
that's why maybe I'm singing
this song I'm singing now

the happiness I dreamed about is
the best until you actually get it
if you put it up and away
the fear of losing will attack you

and yet you can't just give it up
being human is not easy at all

(verse 2)
everyone has the scar
so sometimes the kindness
can be so painful
and you often want to cry as a result

the loneliness makes me want
I don't want to be alone but
for me, I have you
I want to stay calm
and I want to fall asleep

someday, I feel like I can say that word
maybe until then
I'll keep singing this song clearly
I can't hear the one word I really want to hear the most
maybe that's why I start to love someone
(end chorus)

someday, I feel like I can say that word
maybe until then

I'll keep singing this song clearly
I can't hear the one word I really want to hear the most

maybe that's why I start to love someone
(end chorus)

I want to give you
a present
one that you'll love
but I'm kind of scared
of rejection
I want to give you
because you deserve it
my love, please love me too
because we have something special
(end chorus)

(verse 1)
it was on the fateful day
in my memory
I may remember it differently
but I saw you standing there
on the street corner
and I knew right then
we would fall in love

then you asked me out
and my heart jumped in joy
I started planning a future then

I want to give you
a present
one that you'll love
but I'm kind of scared
of rejection
I want to give you
because you deserve it
my love, please love me too
because we have something special

(end chorus)

(verse 2)
the calendar pages didn't stay around for long
before I knew it
it was spring, summer, fall, then winter
the snow fell into our faces
but because I was with you
I was warm

but still I get nervous
everything is just too perfect

I want to give you
a present
one that you'll love
but I'm kind of scared
of rejection
I want to give you
because you deserve it
my love, please love me too
because we have something special

(end chorus)


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