Winter Love
1. Winter Love
1. Winter Love
Winter Love
(Verse 1)
snow covers the ground but here it doesn't affect us
I'm happy to be here with you
never mind about putting more wood on the fire
I'm warm enough already
I love this season
because you become more tender
more understanding towards my needs
because all I need is you
even if you were to leave
I know the cold would drive you back to me
I don't want to miss you
luckily I won't have to
if it comes a white blizzard
Winter Love will prevail through all
I will have the courage
to find you in the storm tonight
if we stay together
we can have the purest love of all
purer than the crystal snow baby
there are no questions asked
we will love through the cold night
(End Chorus)
(Verse 2)
when spring comes we will be a little more freer
but right now we have to be dependent on the other
really I think your smile is your best feature
white as the trees outside
I love you and I just want you to know
that my heart isn't frozen
my love for you will be hot like a fire
my glare may sometimes be cold
but that's just for fun
but you already know
if it comes a white blizzard
Winter Love will prevail through all
I will have the courage
to find you in the storm tonight
if we stay together
we can have the purest love of all
purer than the crystal snow baby
there are no questions asked
we will love through the cold night
(End Chorus)
maybe we just can't stop
going out into the snow
it is really fun
so just hurry up
forever, we will be together
and brave any kind of weather
our love is so great
just our love
if it comes a white blizzard
Winter Love will prevail through all
I will have the courage
to find you in the storm tonight
if we stay together
we can have the purest love of all
purer than the crystal snow baby
there are no questions asked
we will love through the cold night
(End Chorus)
The new mini-abum "Freeze" will be posted soon! Thanks for reading!
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