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1. Introduction: SWEET
2. Body Feels EXIT
3. Chase The Chance
4. Love ~Courage~
5. How Nice
6. Whispers
7. You're My Sunshine
8. Birthday Eve
9. Interlude: 19
10. Hey Baby!
11. Wanna Cry?
12. Don't Wanna Cry
13. Melting
14. 94
15. Winter Of 94
17. Unknown From ME
18. ME
19. Outroduction: BLUES

Introduction: SWEET
don't play games
come on and be mine
love me
love me
yeah you know I'm SWEET

Body Feels EXIT
Body Feels EXIT
body feels excite

I'm all alone in my room
in the fetal position
remembering the feel of your touch
it's seductive it's poison
I know but I want it again

ever since you
fell out of my life
I've been making excuses
to see you again
you will never know
what you feel like
my body feels...

Body Feels EXIT
what do you do
when your love
runs away, but you need their touch
body feels excite
when you come near
me again
and I'm complete again
eternity passes
and you leave to
find yourself again
and I set out for
your touch once more
(End Chorus)

when I finally find
you again you just can't believe
is it that hard to imagine
me going to the ends of
the world for you?
I told you I need it

Body Feels EXIT
what do you do
when your love
runs away, but you need their touch
body feels excite
when you come near
me again
and I'm complete again
eternity passes
and you leave to
find yourself again
and I set out for
your touch once more
(End Chorus)

my body can't
help but feel the excitement

Body Feels EXIT
what do you do
when your love
runs away, but you need their touch
body feels excite
when you come near
me again
and I'm complete again
eternity passes
and you leave to
find yourself again
and I set out for
your touch once more
(End Chorus)

Body Feels EXIT

Chase The Chance
Chase The Chance
before it leaves your sight
before time is up
before the opportunity has gone
go for your dream
so you won't have regrets
so you won't wanna cry
so you can say you tried your best
Chase The Chance
just go for it
just try it out
just chase that chance
(End Chorus)

like we all know
dreams come and go
like the wind in a storm
they can blow away
and never return
take every opportunity
follow every dream
let nothing get in your way

Chase The Chance
before it leaves your sight
before time is up
before the oppurtunity has gone
go for your dream
so you won't have regrets
so you won't wanna cry
so you can say you tried your best
Chase The Chance
just go for it
just try it out
just chase that chance
(End Chorus)

I am in the pursuit
of following my dreams
how about you?
is there something you want to do?
go for it
a door can open
and you may not know it
watch out for it
and just go

Chase The Chance
before it leaves your sight
before time is up
before the oppurtunity has gone
go for your dream
so you won't have regrets
so you won't wanna cry
so you can say you tried your best
Chase The Chance
just go for it
just try it out
just chase that chance
(End Chorus)

Chase The Chance
before it leaves your sight
so you won't wanna cry
just go for it
just Chance The Chance

Chase The Chance
before it leaves your sight
before time is up
before the oppurtunity has gone
go for your dream
so you won't have regrets
so you won't wanna cry
so you can say you tried your best
Chase The Chance
just go for it
just try it out
just chase that chance
(End Chorus)

Chase The Chance
chase that chance
Chase The Chance
chase that chance

Love ~Courage~
do you have it?
do you have the Courage
to say that you Love me?

can't you just say it
on an ordinary day
like the one we are living today
nothing special has to happen
but it would be special
if you would whisper three
little words in my ear
must I constantly wish
on every shooting star
that I see
that you would tell me you Love me

you may not be ready
but I know it's all Love
you don't want to get hurt
so you just want to be sure
gather up your courage
I won't hurt you
it's the last thing I would do
I'm building you up
but you don't have to be a sky scraper
all you need is the Courage
just tell me that you Love me
and I'll be there
for you
(End Chorus)

can't you just say it
just one little time
I'm starting to get discouraged
but I still believe
and you still have your Courage
I'm looking forward to
such an event
and I'm counting down the days
I think there will be fireworks
I will wait for you
night after night
date after date
day by day

you may not be ready
but I know it's all Love
you don't want to get hurt
so you just want to be sure
gather up your courage
I won't hurt you
it's the last thing I would do
I'm building you up
but you don't have to be a sky scraper
all you need is the Courage
just tell me that you Love me
and I'll be there
for you
(End Chorus)

if you want it to be
a secret I will treasure it
I will seal it away in my heart
I don't kiss and tell
so there is nothing to worry about
it's just you and me right now
what do you want to say to me?

you may not be ready
but I know it's all Love
you don't want to get hurt
so you just want to be sure
gather up your courage
I won't hurt you
it's the last thing I would do
I'm building you up
but you don't have to be a sky scraper
all you need is the Courage
just tell me that you Love me
and I'll be there
for you
(End Chorus)

How Nice
How Nice
of you to ask me
if I am okay
I am a complete stranger
to you
but you still care enough
thank you
I believe you are
an angel in disguise

you must be
because the timing was just right

How Nice
of you to care
because the rest of
the world doesn't seem
to nowadays
How Nice
of you to still
have a heart
and the courage
to love
I hope you never change
please stay the same
for a stranger like me
(End Chorus)

you came and went
and I haven't seen you since
and I hope you are well
are you healthy
I pray you are
I hope the world for you
the best for you
I genuinely wish you well
for your sake
for the world's sake
because we need more people like you

How Nice
of you to care
because the rest of
the world doesn't seem
to nowadays
How Nice
of you to still
have a heart
and the courage
to love
I hope you never change
please stay the same
for a stranger like me
(End Chorus)

although that day
has came and went
I think of it fondly
it still brings a smile
to my face
and I can't help but
think about you
I hope we can
meet up again someday

How Nice
of you to care
because the rest of
the world doesn't seem
to nowadays
How Nice
of you to still
have a heart
and the courage
to love
I hope you never change
please stay the same
for a stranger like me
(End Chorus)

Whispers Whispers
Whispers Whispers
between you and I
you're Whispers are in my head
after they left your lips
they are so nice
I can't get them out
so here is my next whisper
kiss me already

You're My Sunshine
you are my sunshine
I am your sunshine
you are my sunshine
I am your sunshine
let's make the day
as bright as we can

that smile of yours
it's as bright as the sun
our days together are never dull
we are never dark
always full of light
live laugh and love
we always live a colorful day

I know I am your sunshine
You're My Sunshine
let's love a long long time
a very long long time
bright colors and lights flashing
this is you and me
I know I am your sunshine
You're My Sunshine
let's laugh a long long time
a super long long time
good times and happy ones
I know I am your sunshine
You're My Sunshine
I know I am your sunshine
You're My Sunshine
I know I am your sunshine
You're My Sunshine
I know You're My Sunshine
(End Chorus)

1 2 3 4
shine bright
all throughout the night
baby you my shine
my one and only sunshine
keep that light bright
or at least for me
we never fight
and I jump for glee
I have finally found the one for me

people must look at us in amazement
we must be the envy of the eyes of many
not to sound stuck up
but we are the perfect couple
our lights as one baby

I know I am your sunshine
You're My Sunshine
let's love a long long time
a very long long time
bright colors and lights flashing
this is you and me
I know I am your sunshine
You're My Sunshine
let's laugh a long long time
a super long long time
good times and happy ones
I know I am your sunshine
You're My Sunshine
I know I am your sunshine
You're My Sunshine
I know I am your sunshine
You're My Sunshine
I know You're My Sunshine
(End Chorus)

when you need me
I am on my way
shine your light on me baby
You're My Sunshine

I know I am your sunshine
You're My Sunshine
let's love a long long time
a very long long time
bright colors and lights flashing
this is you and me
I know I am your sunshine
You're My Sunshine
let's laugh a long long time
a super long long time
good times and happy ones
I know I am your sunshine
You're My Sunshine
I know I am your sunshine
You're My Sunshine
I know I am your sunshine
You're My Sunshine
I know You're My Sunshine
(End Chorus)

Birthday Eve
today has finally come
the day of celebration
once at a time once a year
it's happy birthday yeah
this cake I made today
has been filled with lots
and lots of love
because because
I'm yours

yesterday my heart was racing
I'm so happy today has come
I couldn't sleep because I wanted to prepare
praying for a major success yeah!

tension growing up so high
honey you just wait
so you can receive
what I baked
baby in my heart
there's no worries
I'm lifted when I think of your smile
so here I go
off to the kitchen
on your Birthday Eve
(End Chorus)

do you know
what the most important thing is?
you don't have to follow a recipe
just add lots of cream
add some love
then mix in some more love

watching it in the oven closely
I will not let this cake burn
I can't wait to see the look on your face
your surprise is enough of a thank you for me

tension growing up so high
honey you just wait
so you can receive
what I baked
baby in my heart
there's no worries
I'm lifted when I think of your smile
so here I go
off to the kitchen
on your Birthday Eve
(End Chorus)

I got you a card
and I'm already thinking about next year
but this year hasn't passed yet
don't worry baby
I'm taking care of next year already

tension growing high
baby congratulations
did you love my cake when you saw it?
you radiate as you smile
there's nothing I can't do
because your love is here for me
so hurry up baby
reward me with a kiss

tension growing up so high
honey you just wait
so you can receive
what I baked
baby in my heart
there's no worries
I'm lifted when I think of your smile
so here I go
off to the kitchen
on your Birthday Eve
(End Chorus)

Interlude: 19
19 19
this year gonna be 19
19 19 sweet sweet 19 yes
19 is just a number
or is it?

Hey Baby!
get freaky with me
okay sexy?

I've been chasing after you
yeah I've been wanting you
but you always turn the other way
I'm pulling out all the stops
calling for drastic measures
this time I'm going to make you mine

this time your mine
it's time
for my style
I will make you mine

you turn a corner
and I'll be on the other side
you want me to leave you alone
but you know you like the attention
just give me a chance
(gimme a chance)
you will not regret
(no regrets)
you may try to run but
Hey Baby!
Hey Baby!
I'll be right here
waiting on you
(End Chorus)

there is no point in saying no
you will be begging for me later
so you might as well say yes now
yeah I heard you like me
well the feeling is mutual
this I really must say

this time your mine
it's time
for my style
you will want to be mine

you turn a corner
and I'll be on the other side
you want me to leave you alone
but you know you like the attention
just give me a chance
(gimme a chance)
you will not regret
(no regrets)
you may try to run but
Hey Baby!
Hey Baby!
I'll be right here
waiting on you
(End Chorus)

my style
your style
my time 
your time
it's time
this playing hard to get
will come to an abrupt end
by the time you have made up your mind
I will have only blinked
I see right through your tricks
I know you're really desperate
Hey Baby!
Hey Baby!
I'm right here waiting
on you

you turn a corner
and I'll be on the other side
you want me to leave you alone
but you know you like the attention
just give me a chance
(gimme a chance)
you will not regret
(no regrets)
you may try to run but
Hey Baby!
Hey Baby!
I'll be right here
waiting on you
(End Chorus)

Wanna Cry?
you look like you have
a lot on your mind
and many things have happened
today too
here is my shoulder
here is a tissue
Wanna Cry?
go ahead and bawl away
I'm sorry
I'm so sorry
but tomorrow will be better
so today just cry

Don't Wanna Cry
no more tears
there will be no more tears

maybe I should just let it go
but I don't want to feel the tears
run down my skin
once I start there is no stopping
so I don't want to get started
what's going to keep me from feeling down
I want to smile
but nothing is making me
what 's going to keep me from feeling sad
I want to cheer up
but there is nothing to be happy about

what's going on with me
don't make me cry
I Don't Wanna Cry
Don't Wanna Cry
no I Don't Wanna Cry
for once I want a 
happily ever after
I can't find my way there
and I don't want to get lost
what's wrong with me
don't make me cry
I Don't Wanna Cry
Don't Wanna Cry
no I Don't Wanna Cry
I should just let it go
(End Chorus)

holding back tears
but no one is here
so I won't have to worry about
losing my pride
should I just let them go
but I don't really want to
what's making me so conflicted
when it's just me
I am by myself
what's keeping me from crying
it must be something
because I want to but I can't
what's keeping me from giving up
it must be a prayer
I can't figure anything else out

what's going on with me
don't make me cry
I Don't Wanna Cry
Don't Wanna Cry
no I Don't Wanna Cry
for once I want a 
happily ever after
I can't find my way there
and I don't want to get lost
what's wrong with me
don't make me cry
I Don't Wanna Cry
Don't Wanna Cry
no I Don't Wanna Cry
I should just let it go
(End Chorus)

Don't Wanna Cry
no I don't need to cry
I am better than that
I will be strong
I will stay strong
I don't need anyone to be happy
because I can be happy all on my own

what's going on with me
don't make me cry
I Don't Wanna Cry
Don't Wanna Cry
no I Don't Wanna Cry
for once I want a 
happily ever after
I can't find my way there
and I don't want to get lost
what's wrong with me
don't make me cry
I Don't Wanna Cry
Don't Wanna Cry
no I Don't Wanna Cry
I should just let it go
(End Chorus)

oh oh oh
you are Melting down
my heart
you are after it
it must be made of gold
oh oh oh
you are Melting down
my heart
you want to warm it up
it must be made of ice
you are Melting down
so we can be in love
yes now I feel the love
yes now I feel your love
(End Chorus)

we met so suddenly
and now we are inseparable
sure we had a rough patch
every now and again
but lately I have started
to notice a change
a change in me
but you have stayed the same

baby thank you for your love
it feels so genuine and true
baby thank you for you
I want to return the
favor to you someday

oh oh oh
you are Melting down
my heart
you are after it
it must be made of gold
oh oh oh
you are Melting down
my heart
you want to warm it up
it must be made of ice
you are Melting down
so we can be in love
yes now I feel the love
yes now I feel your love
(End Chorus)

I know I can sometimes
be the most selfish person
on the entire Earth
but when you first noticed this
you payed it no mind
why didn't you leave right then and there

baby I feel your heart
I will let you hold mine
baby you feel my love
I'm starting to return
your generosity

oh oh oh
you are Melting down
my heart
you are after it
it must be made of gold
oh oh oh
you are Melting down
my heart
you want to warm it up
it must be made of ice
you are Melting down
so we can be in love
yes now I feel the love
yes now I feel your love
(End Chorus)

oh oh oh
I'm Melting down your heart
I am after your heart
because it must be made of gold
oh oh oh
I am Melting down your heart
it's already warm
but I am in love

oh oh oh
you are Melting down
my heart
you are after it
it must be made of gold
oh oh oh
you are Melting down
my heart
you want to warm it up
it must be made of ice
you are Melting down
so we can be in love
yes now I feel the love
yes now I feel your love
(End Chorus)

going to get down
gonna get down
going to get down down down
like it is 94 again
come on get up
'cmon get up
come on get up up up
like it is 94 again
I bet the neighbors hate our guts
because we act like we are young
we probably keep them up all night
because we go all out
like it is 94
like it is 94 again

Winter Of 94
I have been told many
times in my life
that I am nothing short
of a miracle
born too soon
at a nothing more than 4 pounds
and no one came after me
I am an only child
the road I walk has been
nothing less than a long one
but I believe that since
many has walked the path before me
I can succeed too

in the Winter Of 94
I came into this world
not knowing too much
now as I look back
years from then
I have had much success
small and large
it all came from
the good and bad
the careless mistakes still hurt
and the jokes still make me laugh
it has been a crazy ride
with many ups and downs
but this is my life
(End Chorus)

I have been in trouble
and I have been praised
many a time I have burst a bubble
but I have been raised
many have tried to curse me
but for awhile I remained nice
many still tried to curse me
and I tried to hurt them back
mostly I failed but there were a few
painful success
I've had my fair share
of academic problems
but I've been blessed with more
triumphs than I can count
God has always been my number one

in the Winter Of 94
I came into this world
not knowing too much
now as I look back
years from then
I have had much success
small and large
it all came from
the good and bad
the careless mistakes still hurt
and the jokes still make me laugh
it has been a crazy ride
with many ups and downs
but this is my life
(End Chorus)

it hurts me to say
I've told many lies
but I've accepted and have been forgiven
it embarrasses me to say
I didn't give my all when I could have
it makes me cry when I think
of all the times I've hurt the feelings
of my loved ones or let them down

the world is so unfair
the world is so cruel
there are no time machines
but I will do right from now on

in the Winter Of 94
I came into this world
not knowing too much
now as I look back
years from then
I have had much success
small and large
it all came from
the good and bad
the careless mistakes still hurt
and the jokes still make me laugh
it has been a crazy ride
with many ups and downs
but this is my life
(End Chorus)

to be continued
onto the next chapter of this life

sweet sweet 19 blues
sweet sweet 19 blues
sweet sweet 19 dreams
maybe I'll show a side of me
no one has ever seen before

today I continued the sighing trend
I'm wandering through this city by myself
and constantly escaping from yesterday
the things I did when I was younger
the things I did in the past
can't we leave them there?
I'm ready to move forward
I'm looking towards a new day
loneliness doesn't have to become more real
because tomorrow is calling me

I may just be passing through
but time always seems to catch up with me
and I know it'll follow me
sweet sweet 19 dreams
rhythm & blues seems to fit my
everyday style
(End Chorus)

I feel like I'm the only one giving it my all
I guess it comes with the age
and I suppose that's how it must be
I don't need to count on anyone but myself
nowadays I feel differently about that
and I realize I need others
I used to believe with all my being
that the world is full of posers
and you have to act cooler than them
if you want everyone to acknowledge you

I'm actually not as great
as you think I am
right now I am just pretending
sweet sweet 19 dreams
maybe I'll show someone
a side of me no one's ever seen before
(End Chorus)

change my life
change my life
it's upside down
I don't want anyone
to remember
the me of the past
change my life
change my life
my burning passion
will be inside of my heart
and a cool attitude will protect it

sweet sweet 19 dreams
I'm just the kind of person
that get lonely easily even at this age
sweet sweet 19 dreams
maybe I'll show someone
a side of me no one's ever
seen before
(End Chorus)

Unknown From ME
this is so unlike me
but I'm willing to open up
I want to show someone
something they didn't know about me
please accept me for who I am
I'm going to be true to myself
I've finally built up the courage
I've got the power
get ready because this is
Unknown From ME

this is from ME
right to you

appreciation is something
that others think I give
away so freely
however it's hard to earn if from me
I may seem gullible
but you really have to earn my trust
secrets are treasures
and I don't just reveal them
that easily
if you think you can figure me out
I accept your challenge

on the surface
no one has ever scratched my surface
you may think you know ME
but you may never truly get to know ME
I'm more complex, complicated
I'm very random, estatic
just because I did one thing one time
doesn't mean I will do the same thing again
my independence may not allow it
so tell ME
do you think you know ME now?
(End Chorus)

generosity is a bit confusing
to me
do others need it?
can they really not do it themselves?
I constantly wonder to myself
if you truly need me
I will do less than hesitate
but I don't take lightly
to others abusing my kindness
if you ask me a favor
it better not be out of the blue
we better have had many conversations
in just a few months

on the surface
no one has ever scratched my surface
you may think you know ME
but you may never truly get to know ME
I'm more complex, complicated
I'm very random, estatic
just because I did one thing one time
doesn't mean I will do the same thing again
my independence may not allow it
so tell ME
do you think you know ME now?
(End Chorus)

just when you think
you have the puzzle of ME
all put together
a strong wind of my stubbornness
may come throw and blow it all away
I usually have the patience of a saint
but every now and then
something will get under my skin
and then who knows what will happen

on the surface
no one has ever scratched my surface
you may think you know ME
but you may never truly get to know ME
I'm more complex, complicated
I'm very random, estatic
just because I did one thing one time
doesn't mean I will do the same thing again
my independence may not allow it
so tell ME
do you think you know ME now?
(End Chorus)

Outroduction: BLUES
you've got the BLUES
well so do I
I'm feeling down
and you're feeling in the dumps
I know how you feel
I really do
I know where you are coming from
I really do
I feel you
I really do
but like all things
the BLUES must come to an end

Namie Amuro's album of the same name influenced this album. I will be posting a single from my first best-of album soon! It will be called "Butterfly". Thanks for reading!


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