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Love 1000

Love 1000
1. Nothing But The Music
2. Me Versus Myself
3. Against All Odds
4. Thinking Of You
5. Futuristic
6. Love 1000
7. Tired
8. Same Ole Same Ole
9. Up Close & Personal
10. Heartbreaker
11. Don't Be Afraid (Won't Hurt You)
12. Flaws
13. Used To Be
14. A Fresh Start!
15. Arigato (Can't Say Thanks Enough)

Nothing But The Music
I don't want to hear
Nothing But The Music
let it be blasting
louder than the loudest
stereo. It's been a long
day I don't want to think
right now I'm going to
let the beat carry me away
Nothing But The Music
is what I need right now
to take away the stress
take it away please
even though I'm hear with
friends I'm going to
get lost in the music
Nothing But The Music
is all I want tonight
(End Chorus)
at the club
it has been a long day
at my job
worse than 9 to 5
seemed like it was 12 to 12
it was a living he!!
I was ready to leave
(thank god it's friday)
I've been locked up
way too long
I want to dance
to the beat of that music
Nothing But The Music
let it be blasting
louder than the loudest
stereo. It's been a long
day I don't want to think
right now I'm going to
let the beat carry me away
Nothing But The Music
is what I need right now
to take away the stress
take it away please
even though I'm hear with
friends I'm going to
get lost in the music
Nothing But The Music
is all I want tonight
(End Chorus)
this party just got started
let's keep it going
I'm so close
to not being able to
think anymore yes
let's keep dancing
(throw those hands in the air)
I was tired of the day
and I'm loving the night
Nothing But The Music
let it be blasting
louder than the loudest
stereo. It's been a long
day I don't want to think
right now I'm going to
let the beat carry me away
Nothing But The Music
is what I need right now
to take away the stress
take it away please
even though I'm hear with
friends I'm going to
get lost in the music
Nothing But The Music
is all I want tonight
(End Chorus)
(let's do it like this
party people)
Nothing But The Music
let it be blasting
louder than the loudest
stereo. It's been a long
day I don't want to think
right now I'm going to
let the beat carry me away
Nothing But The Music
is what I need right now
to take away the stress
take it away please
even though I'm hear with
friends I'm going to
get lost in the music
Nothing But The Music
is all I want tonight
(End Chorus)

Me Versus Myself
this is an internal affair
my mind says go
my heart says stop
what's going on with me
I have a splitting headache
my body feels like it's going
to fall apart
what do I do what do I do
I'm fighting myself constantly
it's Me Versus Myself
I'm scared I'm happy
somebody needs to lock
me up somewhere and throw
away the key I'm dangerous
there are two of me
in the same me
it's Me Versus Myself
I'm not for sure
how this will end
I've got darkness and light
and they are going to fight
someone save me from myself
it's Me Versus Myself
someone save me
(End Chorus)
when internal becomes
external people think
I'm crazy this isn't me
this isn't what I stand for
maybe it is I don't know
I'm so conflicted
I've never been like this before
who are my friends
are they my enemies
will allies become foes
and foes become allies
this is scaring me
I'm fighting myself constantly
it's Me Versus Myself
I'm scared I'm happy
somebody needs to lock
me up somewhere and throw
away the key I'm dangerous
there are two of me
in the same me
it's Me Versus Myself
I'm not for sure
how this will end
I've got darkness and light
and they are going to fight
someone save me from myself
it's Me Versus Myself
someone save me
(End Chorus)
I'm not for sure
who is who at this point
is that me I don't know
it's a fight I can't
get out of
I'm at war with myself
and I want to raise the
white flag on this one
but I can't
I'm fighting myself constantly
it's Me Versus Myself
I'm scared I'm happy
somebody needs to lock
me up somewhere and throw
away the key I'm dangerous
there are two of me
in the same me
it's Me Versus Myself
I'm not for sure
how this will end
I've got darkness and light
and they are going to fight
someone save me from myself
it's Me Versus Myself
someone save me
(End Chorus)

Against All Odds
I've got to make it
Against All Odds
can I do it
there is so much going
against me at this point
but Against All Odds
I'm going to get
out of this I've
got to make something
of myself failure
is not an option
I don't think anyone
understands how I feel
about it Against All Odds
I'll make them understand
Against All Odds
I won't back down
and I won't fail
(End Chorus)
I won't ask for
help but thanks
for the offer
my friends
there are somethings
I must do all
on my own
I've got to make it
Against All Odds
can I do it
there is so much going
against me at this point
but Against All Odds
I'm going to get
out of this I've
got to make something
of myself failure
is not an option
I don't think anyone
understands how I feel
about it Against All Odds
I'll make them understand
Against All Odds
I won't back down
and I won't fail
(End Chorus)
can I make it to
the top of this
neverending mountain
it's like a maze
that has no end
should I make one
with my spirit
and determination
I've got to make it
Against All Odds
can I do it
there is so much going
against me at this point
but Against All Odds
I'm going to get
out of this I've
got to make something
of myself failure
is not an option
I don't think anyone
understands how I feel
about it Against All Odds
I'll make them understand
Against All Odds
I won't back down
and I won't fail
(End Chorus)
I'm not backing down now
I feel so close
I think I can win
I hate losing so
i have to prosper
I can make it
through anything
I'm not afraid
I've got to make it
Against All Odds
can I do it
there is so much going
against me at this point
but Against All Odds
I'm going to get
out of this I've
got to make something
of myself failure
is not an option
I don't think anyone
understands how I feel
about it Against All Odds
I'll make them understand
Against All Odds
I won't back down
and I won't fail
(End Chorus)

Thinking Of You
Thinking Of You
all the tine
365 24 7
the same ole thing
that you hear in
every I miss you
sad song
Thinking Of You
while you are gone
it seems like
you have been gone
forever and ever
will you make a
triumphant return
I don't know
but I'll be
Thinking Of You
(End Chorus)
will you show
me some respect when
ever you here me
or see me
what we had was right
I know it was
I wonder at night
do you ever think
about it?
Thinking Of You
all the tine
365 24 7
the same ole thing
that you hear in
every I miss you
sad song
Thinking Of You
while you are gone
it seems like
you have been gone
forever and ever
will you make a
triumphant return
I don't know
but I'll be
Thinking Of You
(End Chorus)
I wonder about
you constantly and
when I don't
it shows up in
the most terrible times
I could just be sitting
somewhere and
there you are
why do you do that
to me
Thinking Of You
all the tine
365 24 7
the same ole thing
that you hear in
every I miss you
sad song
Thinking Of You
while you are gone
it seems like
you have been gone
forever and ever
will you make a
triumphant return
I don't know
but I'll be
Thinking Of You
(End Chorus)
do you think
we belong together
is this right
to me it is
I need a shoulder
to cry on
every once in a while
I'm so conflicted
Thinking Of You
all the tine
365 24 7
the same ole thing
that you hear in
every I miss you
sad song
Thinking Of You
while you are gone
it seems like
you have been gone
forever and ever
will you make a
triumphant return
I don't know
but I'll be
Thinking Of You
(End Chorus)

chrome everywhere
life is not how
it used to be
look at all the
technology it makes
ours look like spears
and rocks
I must be in the future
it's like the year
triples the one right now
with everything shiney chrome
and living in a
tropical dome
that they call a city
believe it or not
it's very pretty
leave the present
in the past
I wonder how
long this paradise will last
robots hover cars
projection phones
flying trains
super brains
streets of gold
concrete is old
everything is brilliant
(End Chorus)
anybody can go
into space now
forget about Mars
let's go to Pluto
or glide out of
the milky way
cars can go underwater
teleport to anywhere
in the world
this is amazing
with everything shiney chrome
and living in a
tropical dome
that they call a city
believe it or not
it's very pretty
leave the present
in the past
I wonder how
long this paradise will last
robots hover cars
projection phones
flying trains
super brains
streets of gold
concrete is old
everything is brilliant
(End Chorus)
(Music Break)
into the future
oh yeah the future
with everything shiney chrome
and living in a
tropical dome
that they call a city
believe it or not
it's very pretty
leave the present
in the past
I wonder how
long this paradise will last
robots hover cars
projection phones
flying trains
super brains
streets of gold
concrete is old
everything is brilliant
(End Chorus)

Love 1000
we've got to have the love
Love 1000
we all need to love
Love 1000 oh oh okay
let's all just love the world
love each other
spread the love
feel the love
be the love
everyday we all need
love Love 1000
everyone needs to
feel that power
of Love 1000
everybody spread the love
love one another
love Love 1000
together everyone let's move an island
let's change the world
one heart at a time
with a hug
world here comes Love 1000
(End Chorus)
there are people
out there that will
lvoe you for you
and I am one of them
be yourself and
feel the love
afterwards spread
that love the Earth
will thank you
everyday we all need
love Love 1000
everyone needs to
feel that power
of Love 1000
everybody spread the love
love one another
love Love 1000
together everyone let's move an island
let's change the world
one heart at a time
with a hug
world here comes Love 1000
(End Chorus)
give a kiss
give a hug
together we can
make a difference
no more sadness
no more tears
let's hang them up
so we can all
be happy dandy
wouldn't that be
wonderful I wonder
everyday we all need
love Love 1000
everyone needs to
feel that power
of Love 1000
everybody spread the love
love one another
love Love 1000
together everyone let's move an island
let's change the world
one heart at a time
with a hug
world here comes Love 1000
(End Chorus)

I've been looking
so bad lately
people won't hide
it anymore they tell me
I look like crap
like I've aged
and look like I'm sick
they tell me
your no good for
my health my health
I'm Tired no doubt
about it these
endless fights give me
sleepless nights
I'm so very Tired
I'd like just one
night of sleep
without someone
popping up about
something I did
wrong or anything
I did right
I just want to sleep
I'm Tired
(End Chorus)
baby I love you
I hate you
crawl in bed with me
leave me alone
let me sleep
what do I say
to you I'm not sure
I just want to
shut my eyes
and wish the world away
I'm Tired no doubt
about it these
endless fights give me
sleepless nights
I'm so very Tired
I'd like just one
night of sleep
without someone
popping up about
something I did
wrong or anything
I did right
I just want to sleep
I'm Tired
(End Chorus)
your no good for my health
your running me into the ground
but I can't live without
this drama it
sounds so crazy I know
I'm Tired no doubt
about it these
endless fights give me
sleepless nights
I'm so very Tired
I'd like just one
night of sleep
without someone
popping up about
something I did
wrong or anything
I did right
I just want to sleep
I'm Tired
(End Chorus)

Same Ole Same Ole
it's the same everyday
same schedule
a 9 to 5
sleep on the same pillow
why shake it up
I'm in a rut
I want out
Same Ole Same Ole
wake up it's not sunny
take a shower get dressed
so boring it's not funny
eat breakfast hop in the car
wave to old lady Elmira
gat to work where's my coffee
seeing the beach on my desktop is what I admire-uh
another long day that's what's up
finally I'm at home with my wife
theres dinner then TV
this is my boring life
brush my teeth for the second time
off to bed for good night
sweet dreams of what could have been
I guess this boringness is alright
the Same Ole Same Ole
(End Chorus)
when I was younger

I had dreams of
running the world
now the world runs me
sad isn't it
my big dreams cam crashing down
now here I am
things are terribly boring
Same Ole Same Ole
wake up it's not sunny
take a shower get dressed
so boring it's not funny
eat breakfast hop in the car
wave to old lady Elmira
gat to work where's my coffee
seeing the beach on my desktop is what I admire-uh
another long day that's what's up
finally I'm at home with my wife
theres dinner then TV
this is my boring life
brush my teeth for the second time
off to bed for good night
sweet dreams of what could have been
I guess this boringness is alright
the Same Ole Same Ole
(End Chorus)
(Music Break)
Same Ole Same Ole
wake up it's not sunny
take a shower get dressed
so boring it's not funny
eat breakfast hop in the car
wave to old lady Elmira
gat to work where's my coffee
seeing the beach on my desktop is what I admire-uh
another long day that's what's up
finally I'm at home with my wife
theres dinner then TV
this is my boring life
brush my teeth for the second time
off to bed for good night
sweet dreams of what could have been
I guess this boringness is alright
the Same Ole Same Ole
(End Chorus)

Up Close & Personal
hey you now that I've caught
you this is payback
don't talk to me
like why are you doing this
when I'm the victim here
you were unfaithful
and this shocking intervention
in front of your new little
friends and that guy
will embarass the
heck out of you
I'm getting Up Close & Personal
how long has this been
happening why didn't
you break up with me first
you thought you had
the best of both worlds
with all kinds of diamonds
and clothes I'm not
okay with this I don't
share my love
now here I am
Up Close & Personal
(End Chorus)
hey cheater look
at your red face now
all of your make-up
doesn't even begin
to cover it up
your bad for me
I clearly get it
it looks like mama was right
why did I ever love you?
stupid of me on my part
you were unfaithful
and this shocking intervention
in front of your new little
friends and that guy
will embarass the
heck out of you
I'm getting Up Close & Personal
how long has this been
happening why didn't
you break up with me first
you thought you had
the best of both worlds
with all kinds of diamonds
and clothes I'm not
okay with this I don't
share my love
now here I am
Up Close & Personal
(End Chorus)
hey sneaky when you come to
your old home everything I bought
will be in the house
everything you bought
with your hard earned money will
be in a box at the
end of the driveway
I've had it up to hear
I never want to see you again
you were unfaithful
and this shocking intervention
in front of your new little
friends and that guy
will embarass the
heck out of you
I'm getting Up Close & Personal
how long has this been
happening why didn't
you break up with me first
you thought you had
the best of both worlds
with all kinds of diamonds
and clothes I'm not
okay with this I don't
share my love
now here I am
Up Close & Personal
(End Chorus)

take away your lovin'
take it take it
take it away from me oh
take it take it
take it away from me
hey there girl you've
left me flat
on the floor in
a curled up position
crying next to a picture of us
Heartbreak yeah you've
broken my heart
hopefully you won't
do ti again
'I don't think I'll come back to you
Heartbreaker you may think
you've gotten the best of me
but you've never seen my best
Heartbreaker you ain't
seen the last of me
I'll make you wish you
were with me
then I'll be the
(End Chorus)
I used to tell you
to give me some lovin
it was love that I wanted
looks like I bargained for more
now we are over
done and out
the love game ended
guess I'll find happiness else
where maybe I'm
so heartbroken
Heartbreak yeah you've
broken my heart
hopefully you won't
do ti again
'I don't think I'll come back to you
Heartbreaker you may think
you've gotten the best of me
but you've never seen my best
Heartbreaker you ain't
seen the last of me
I'll make you wish you
were with me
then I'll be the
(End Chorus)
(Music Break)
Heartbreak yeah you've
broken my heart
hopefully you won't
do ti again
'I don't think I'll come back to you
Heartbreaker you may think
you've gotten the best of me
but you've never seen my best
Heartbreaker you ain't
seen the last of me
I'll make you wish you
were with me
then I'll be the
(End Chorus)

Don't Be Afraid (Won't Hurt You)
Don't Be Afraid
I Won't Hurt You
eh eh eh eh
(Music Break)
past relationships
came and went
into the blue
out of the blue
what can you do
don't sit and cry
you will waste
valuable time
come with me
Don't Be Afraid
to fall in love with
me I will do
you now harm
I'll love you when it hurts
I Won't Hurt You
that is the last
thing I want to do
but I want to hear
you say "I love you too"
Don't Be Afraid
you should know by now
I Won't Hurt You
no no no
I Won't Hurt You
(End Chorus)
have you ever wondered
about the perfect relationship
I can give it to you
wouldn't that make
you happy it
brings a smile to my face
I'm in love with you
you could fall
with me too have no
fear if you think you
will get hurt I will
catch you
Don't Be Afraid
to fall in love with
me I will do
you now harm
I'll love you when it hurts
I Won't Hurt You
that is the last
thing I want to do
but I want to hear
you say "I love you too"
Don't Be Afraid
you should know by now
I Won't Hurt You
no no no
I Won't Hurt You
(End Chorus)
Don't Be Afraid
to take risks
Don't Be Afraid
to try and run the world
Don't Be Afraid
to fall in love
Don't Be Afraid
to let it be with me
Don't Be Afraid
to fall in love with
me I will do
you now harm
I'll love you when it hurts
I Won't Hurt You
that is the last
thing I want to do
but I want to hear
you say "I love you too"
Don't Be Afraid
you should know by now
I Won't Hurt You
no no no
I Won't Hurt You
(End Chorus)

even with your Flaws
I will love you a long time
baby you may
not be perfect but I
love you for who
you are anyways
Flaws and all
you are still the
one for me I
knew it from the
time that we met
Flaws that are so
adorable you
hate them but
I find them so attractive
from that crazy little
giggle to that
odd way you sleep
why you have such raod rage
I will never understand
baby with your Flaws
it makes me love you more
(End Chorus)
of course you have
many good qualities
but you stress about the
little things to
me they aren't een
problems baby you
may think it's a secret
but I have Flaws too
baby we all do
it is what makes us human
I just find yours attractive
Flaws and all
you are still the
one for me I
knew it from the
time that we met
Flaws that are so
adorable you
hate them but
I find them so attractive
from that crazy little
giggle to that
odd way you sleep
why you have such raod rage
I will never understand
baby with your Flaws
it makes me love you more
(End Chorus)
I love you Flaws
and all oh
yes I do oh
yes I do
(Music Break)
Flaws and all
you are still the
one for me I
knew it from the
time that we met
Flaws that are so
adorable you
hate them but
I find them so attractive
from that crazy little
giggle to that
odd way you sleep
why you have such raod rage
I will never understand
baby with your Flaws
it makes me love you more
(End Chorus)
from that crazy little
giggle to that
odd way you sleep
why you have such raod rage
I will never understand
baby with your Flaws
it makes me love you more
from that crazy little
giggle to that
odd way you sleep
why you have such raod rage
I will never understand
baby with your Flaws
it makes me love you more

Used To Be
when I was so
much more than
I am now
I Used To Be
something that is
great that couldn't
be replaced but how
did I get replaced
they said I was irreplaceable
does anyone love me now?
I just want
acceptance nowadays
I'm not the best
at what I once did
but I Used To Be
(End Chorus)
has anyone else ever felt
like they don't
belong where they
used to feel
at home isn't
it a weird feeling
it's like you've been
betrayed but there
is nothing you
can do about it
when I was so
much more than
I am now
I Used To Be
something that is
great that couldn't
be replaced but how
did I get replaced
they said I was irreplaceable
does anyone love me now?
I just want
acceptance nowadays
I'm not the best
at what I once did
but I Used To Be
(End Chorus)
this is not in
my head this is
for real has everyone
turned against me
I wonder why
am I not accepted
like I used to be
I'm going insane
when I was so
much more than
I am now
I Used To Be
something that is
great that couldn't
be replaced but how
did I get replaced
they said I was irreplaceable
does anyone love me now?
I just want
acceptance nowadays
I'm not the best
at what I once did
but I Used To Be
(End Chorus)

A Fresh Start!
a new lease on life
with my ways
and my music
things are going to change
from Love 1000
it only goes up
isn't it exciting
A Fresh Start!
is like a new day
take a deep
breath and feel
the new that we
have been blessed with
I would like
A Fresh Start!
(Music Break)
(End Chorus)
some new lyrics
from a new
inspiration has
this ever happend before
it's a new day
everyone are you
ready for all this
the excitement
the anticipation is
absolutly killing me
A Fresh Start!
is like a new day
take a deep
breath and feel
the new that we
have been blessed with
I would like
A Fresh Start!
(Music Break)
(End Chorus)
it makes me want
to get up and
dance this feeling
inside of me does
what a feeling
oh yeah oh yeah
can you take it?
A Fresh Start!
is like a new day
take a deep
breath and feel
the new that we
have been blessed with
I would like
A Fresh Start!
(Music Break)
(End Chorus)

Arigato (Can't Say Thanks Enough)
turn up this one
it comes from my
heart don't laugh
I'm being honest
right now with
everyone yes
I oh I
Can't Say Thanks Enough
everyone has been
so nice and supportive
you all lift me
up to the ceiling
to the sky
and beyond the universe
past the heavens
I oh yes I
Can't Say Thanks Enough
to you you and
of course you
most importantly you
(End Chorus)
normally I'd say
thanks with a shy
little smile please
don't take this
as arrogance I'm
just a little backwards
when it comes to talking
I'm sorry
I oh I
Can't Say Thanks Enough
everyone has been
so nice and supportive
you all lift me
up to the ceiling
to the sky
and beyond the universe
past the heavens
I oh yes I
Can't Say Thanks Enough
to you you and
of course you
most importantly you
(End Chorus)
some may think
I'm vulnerable now
no I am strong
thanks to everyone here
(Thank You)
even though I
may not konw your
names you all
are my friends
my family thank you
for all you have done
I oh I
Can't Say Thanks Enough
everyone has been
so nice and supportive
you all lift me
up to the ceiling
to the sky
and beyond the universe
past the heavens
I oh yes I
Can't Say Thanks Enough
to you you and
of course you
most importantly you
(End Chorus)

Well everyone, this album is for you! 1000 Hits can you all believe it? It doesn't seem that long ago that this blog was started and now look at it! I'd like to thank everyone who has ever read anything on here from the bottom of my heart! :Love 1000 for me is considered a new start so I want to take more risks with my lyrics! Let's call it a 1000 Hit resolution. I hope everyone enjoys Love 1000! Thank you everyone!

(-: THANKS FOR 1000 HITS!!!! :-)


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The Other Side of Goodbye 1.  The Other Side of Goodbye The Other Side of Goodbye (verse 1) I can't say I'm not thankful when I look through my old photo album I know I've acted ungrateful but all I'm seeing is tears, laughter, and memories we all passed down our legends it was like those decades lasted just seconds a lifetime that lasts eternity but all I'm seeing is tears, laughter, and memories (chorus) a last song for you, last song for you a little blue, but I promise it'll always feel brand new a last song for you, last song for you in my mind, you'll walk through the same door like you always do I swear I loved this place I swear I loved every face I swear on this melody, I swear we were in harmony we shared enemies, we cared so friendly it was then that I learned everything's not in black and white thank you for kindness, thank you for your tenderness thank you for smile, thank you for your love thank you for everything this goodbye has another s...

Fall-In-Love Fortune Cookie

Fall-In-Love Fortune Cookie 1.  Fall-In-Love Fortune Cookie Fall-In-Love Fortune Cookie (verse 1) I wonder if you really like me but I'm too cowardly down on my knees praying that we are meant to be if only I could gaze into the shiny future to see yeah! yeah! yeah! I'd tap my heels in ruby slippers, I'd crinkle my nose will my romantic wish come true? God only knows I need good advice, and I need it really fast yeah! yeah! yeah! there's a disco in my heart by the sound of the music oh wait, it's just beating so loud it's a question, and the answer, I gotta know it I'll write a poem over this heartfelt rhythm I think you're so cute, and so charismatic come on, come on, come on, come on, baby! won't you please notice me, oh?! (chorus) fall-in-love by a fortune cookie I'll crack it open and stay hoping for a good future hey! hey! hey! a love I can't possibly know makes me feel so unsure my heart wants a fortune cookie it's impossible, but I...


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