Ring! Ring! Ring!
Ring! Ring! Ring!
hear the angel bells sing!
Ring! Ring! Ring!
Ring! Ring! Ring!
let us rejoice at
such a wonderous tune!
don't you just feel a light
inside of you when they play?
Ring! Ring! Ring!
wedding bells church bells
dinner bells how happy
a angelic choir in
the background aren't
you at peace yet?
Ring! Ring! Ring!
Ring! Ring! Ring!
I'm going to let
the sound take me
higher up to the sky
I feel like I'm floating
on the clouds how comfy!
Ring! Ring! Ring!
who doesn't like this sound
the song that makes all wishes come true
Ring! Ring! Ring!
it is better than all
of the guitars, pianos,
and violins combined
listen to the angels' song
isn't it holy?
Ring! Ring! Ring!
Ring! Ring! Ring!
it is a light in the dark
the voice of reason
the ruler of a nation
do you comprehend
what I am trying to say
listen closely to the song
it speaks for itself
Ring! Ring! Ring!
how about we
all sing along with it
even if you cannot sing
try, or hum along
it is okay to sing along
to such a beautiful song
Ring! Ring! Ring!
Ring! Ring! Ring!
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