We Connect
I feel your heart beat
the same as you with mine
the emotion is so divine
I get caught up in this moment
I get caught up in you
what happen when our
breathing is in sync
why do I know when you are happy
or when you are sad
maybe its so I can rush to your side
and help you when you need it
maybe its for when I'm in trouble
and you can come to my rescue
all that I know
is that we sync up
we know what each other is thinking
we know how each other is feeling
I know this might sound
a little crazy but We Connect
(end chorus)
so what happens when
we are far apart
for right now I don't
want to know or care
I wonder how and why this happend
Do you think it occured for a reason?
I'm caught up in you
because you are caught up in me
what happen when our
breathing is in sync
why do I know when you are happy
or when you are sad
maybe its so I can rush to your side
and help you when you need it
maybe its for when I'm in trouble
and you can come to my rescue
all that I know
is that we sync up
we know what each other is thinking
we know how each other is feeling
I know this might sound
a little crazy but We Connect
(end chorus)
the truth is
we share a very strong bond
that is unbreakable
it is so complex though
I wonder how I could make words
to put it in this song
maybe it's because I did it with your help
what happen when our
breathing is in sync
why do I know when you are happy
or when you are sad
maybe its so I can rush to your side
and help you when you need it
maybe its for when I'm in trouble
and you can come to my rescue
all that I know
is that we sync up
we know what each other is thinking
we know how each other is feeling
I know this might sound
a little crazy but We Connect
(end chorus)
I want to say I'm tired
of your mouth running wild
you should go catch it
day in and day out
you talk about the same thing
but just for a moment
would you please be quiet
I just need some time to think
seriously STOP TALKING
you are not just annoying me
but everyone you come into contact with
can you give us a break
or at least give us a Kit-Kat
I need my space
you make me want to never talk again
but just for right now STOP TALKING
please I'm begging
give me a break
you are completely oblivous
to this mouth fact
your words are like daggers
I could use something relaxing right now
just please STOP TALKING
we are on our hands and knees
we don't care how or when
okay someone hand me the duct tape
or a stapler something anything please
its time for you too STOP TALKING
just give us some time
for goodness sake breathe!
please just STOP TALKING
that's all we ask
please grant our peaceful wish
before we have to take action
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