The sea is turbulent
The rains are thick
It is hard to see you
But I watch patiently out my window
Why are you standing there in the storm
What's your pain
How can you reverse it to gain
I will always believe in you
Just stand up you can too
No matter how rough things may be
You will always have me
The violent storm of this day stop
And you can return to the top
Give this typhoon your best
Through time it will cease
Don't let the wind make you crease
Light your way out of the Tempest
(end chorus)
You may not believe me now
But don't ask me how
Look inside your hurricane like heart
Call forth the sunshine
On the seas turbulant brine
Everything will be fine
Walk pround out of your inner cyclone
What's your pain
How can you reverse it to gain
I will always believe in you
Just stand up you can too
No matter how rough things may be
You will always have me
The violent storm of this day stop
And you can return to the top
Give this typhoon your best
Through time it will cease
Don't let the wind make you crease
Light your way out of the Tempest
(end chorus)
I just want you to know
I will always love you and be your friend
No matter what storm you are in
Or how deep
Without a peep
I will save you
What's your pain
How can you reverse it to gain
I will always believe in you
Just stand up you can too
No matter how rough things may be
You will always have me
The violent storm of this day stop
And you can return to the top
Give this typhoon your best
Through time it will cease
Don't let the wind make a crease
Light your way out of the Tempest
(end chorus)
This song was inspired by Namie Amuro's Tempest.
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